I am having the hardest time diagnosing my babies,please help green thumbers?

:?:The plants are 2 months old,when i received them they were in shock from being in too small of a pot,the cloner didnt take good care of them and they also had spider mites. Those problems were solved with b1 and transplant and neem oil.

Anyways heres the lowdown
4x8 hyrdohut
2 400 watt HPS
c02 fungi block above fan
a/c regulating temperature
generally around 50% humitidy
still veggin
2 gallon pots
Roots can be seen at the bottom holes of the pots?(not sure if that good or not)
I have only had the plants for 6 weeks,so that is not very many feeds
I started feeding them with B1 water,then i had read on the back of my power clone and it states that in developed plants to maintain 2.5 ml per gallon,so i began using it in the feed with B1,then i added half recommended dose of neem oil to the feed also,then on the next feed i added foxfarm bloom which i used because i didnt have any veg fert,so that is week after week and in the meantime some plants got flushed because the ph was high and I thought it was the best way to address it but now I was having a little bit deficiency symptoms and so I brought my Green thumb partner to look at them and he said I needed some Veg Nutes right away,so I went and bought the foxfarm veg nutrients and that evening regardless of how moist the soil was I added some of the new veg nutes to try and offset the minor deficiency that was apparent.Now it is 3 days later and the pics you see are newly developed signs of SOMETHING and is highly concerning. Before I added the veg nutes,they were getting light colored on the top and showing some deficiency on the bottom that were progressing but now as you can see from the pics,necrotic spots have developed on atleast 10 babies and 7 are light green on the top but it does look like the color is coming back slowly but the necrotic spots are not.

Also I have all the weeks ph and moisture levels logged if anyone is concerned with that,Also recommendations for lowering p.h about .5 in 2 gallon soil pot,just so I can avoid flushing.
I personally suspect either nutrient deficiency,over watering (cause of the flushing and last feeding),nutrient burn (cause when I gave them last feed U sed 3 TBS per gallon which it recommends general feeding 2-3 tbs,4tbs for heavy which i think maybe 4 or so got 4 tbs,also when i fed them with the veg nutes,i only used the foxfarm veg nutes,unlike other feeding where i used a slight combination) or possibly a k def or magnesium or maybe even nitrogen def. :wall::wall:

So Please Green Thumbers Take a look at the pics and situation,I love my babies and I really dont want to screw up my first cycle.
thanks so much



Well-Known Member
Sounds like you've dumped a bunch of shit in them. I'd flush with 6.5 water and wait 3 days or so to see how the new growth performs. Dumping more shit in them is the last thing I'd do right now. Even if they don't get better, it's just leaves and you're still vegging. No huge loss. At least that way you'd have a clean slate versus adding more and more nutes that the plant may or may not need.