I am having a little problem with my girls


Ok this is my first time growing. I am growing Haze x skunk 1 under a digital switchable hps/mh 250w 24 hours of light. they are just over 3 weeks old and the leaves are curling up word and I am starting to get a yellow spot on one of my plants. I have not yet started to use any fertlizer yet cause I am not sure when to start cause I am using miracle grow soil I thought it would be a good soil but I have been told otherwise but I do not know. Thanks for your help


Looks like the same problem i was experiencing heat may be your issue, if the yellowing gets worse it could be because it needs some nutes, if u fertilize her make sure u use 1/4 of what they say. always start off slow with nutes

no clue

Well-Known Member
Pics are a little hard to see. MG lends itself to over watering so don't do that. Lift the pot and learn to feel if it needs water by weight. Does sound like a heat issue ^^^


Thanks for your help a friend said it look like hot spot. I did some adjusting of my light and the vent fan that is pulling the off the light and the temp is a little lower and I will see how they do over the next 24 hour Thank you again.

+ WitchDoctor +

Well-Known Member
How far away are the plants from the light? Should be about 9-12 inches if temps are good. It's definitely heat stress though. But that MG soil is going to cause you some problems down the road either way, so got some FFOF when you replant. :lol: