I actually think this guy is worth listening to.


Well-Known Member

Like on a tab while you surf anyways. He really understands the math world behind the social media manipulation and explains it really well. The dude is a goof, and in some of his longer videos he seems to really like hearing his own jokes a bit much for my tastes, but still a lot of very insightful things are brought up in everything I have seen him talk about.


Well-Known Member
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Well-Known Member

@12:49 the guy asking the questions brought up how we consume the news is a problem because it highlights the worse responses (to the previous discussion about negativity getting more views) because what is essentially clickbait spread far faster and sticks in the brain more often than positive stories.

The guy gives an interesting, but ultimately a less-informed in the propaganda attack to answer it in a way that is needed to understand the problem.

The reality is that most of the free online resources that have a lot of funding behind them are pushing propaganda stories that fit a certain narrative that is paid for by political interests/foreign nations designed to trick people into thinking that they have credibility, even going as far as fake local news websites that only picked cherry picked narratives.


Well-Known Member

This guy at around 25:15 gets into some of the background about behavior modification. And how television ads might be trying to influence you, but there is not a feedback loop where we are influencing the advertising in real time. While online we are being influenced while in real time influencing what is influencing us.


Well-Known Member
Well this has all taken an interesting turn....

Not entirely willing to call half the citizenry “moral failures”; as pointed out earlier, they have been aggressively brainwashed at work and at church for decades...and while racism and bigotry are key to what’s been happening, it’s all in service to the wealthy racists and bigots who decided in the 1950s that *they* were not going to integrate the schools, *they* were not going to let their taxes be used to integrate their schools, *they* were not going to let their children attend integrated schools. They were the ones who gave birth to the notion that “taxation is theft”, and they gave financial and political support to an economic school that is frankly covert and Leninist in its actions and its policies. That economic school has remained hidden by design, but it the the school that has been behind the transformation of the GOP from ‘actual’ conservatives to a racist, elitist, and intentionally gaslighting political machine, whose roots, founders, and actors have only recently come to light and are still pretty unknown.

The researcher who uncovered this rolling coup is Nancy McLean, and her book is “Democracy in Chains”. In it, she documents the formation, development, and ‘progress’ of this “rich man’s secret revolution”, naming names, providing the cast of characters and establishing the timeline for its activities...all based on reams of original documentation. I strongly recommend that EVERYONE who cares about “what happens next” and “how we got here” read her book - it is indispensable, illuminating, and, frankly, shocking...but I can tell you that it has filled in many gaps that I have uncovered in my half-century of research and investigation, and contradicts *nothing* that my research has revealed.

Here is a video presentation providing an overview by the author, and a link to the book itself:

The problem of how we bring ourselves back from our current situation is urgent: it deserves all our attention, and every bit of understanding we can muster. It’s hard, for example, to imagine how we recover a full third of our population from the most comprehensive brainwashing effort since the Catholic Church controlled and miseducated all of Europe along with the native populations of the ‘new world’, but it must be done if we’re to avoid a blood bath that makes the pogroms of history seem like garden parties.
Thank you for that video.

Great points that she made throughout this speech.

Her description of the 'system' that the Republicans have been pushing and what it will lead to is spot on.

If you combine what she is talking about the economic theory with the words 'Keynesian' and 'Classical' (outside of a low level college economic course explaining the history) any results you find you can bet it is some kind of long run political trolling going on.

This combined with statistical tricks are used to push narratives for what she talked about earlier in the video as 'law' and 'business' economics. It's mainly political talking point bullshit. In any problem every statistic matters, and cherry picking is bad.

In congressional hearings you see a lot of the fruits of this long run troll that the Wealthy White Heterosexual Male Only agenda has been running. They have flooded universities with money so that they hire troll professors (econ/law/etc) so they get to leach off that prestigious title they have to show up and spin Republicans a narrative that suits whatever it is that they want to sell.

This is not something that is going on with 'both sides'. Science is not a political enterprise and there is a reason that accepting science like the Democratic party has been doing since Carter.

@1:11;00 (nope, not @ that time, still worth listening to the entire thing, but I can't find the time I'm talking about) she talks about Breitbart as a persona and not a factual news website, it is a good way to put it. I would add to that she needs to gets into the attack on the disinfo sites that take a 'left' persona. Cat fishing both sides was the genius of the Russian militarized trolling of our democracy. Free websites like 'the Hill' producing high quality content attacking the Democratic party from the left surpasses those voters who would otherwise vote for a Democrat if they actually thought it was a legit option.
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Well-Known Member
Excellent comments, thank you! Copyright on the book is 2017, so it’s both current *and* out of date (yay, modern times).

A dot that may not be linked into during her talk is that the things we think of as “free market” economics, “libertarian” economics, “Austrian School / Chicago School / Hayek-von Mises” economics, are all versions of Buchanan’s Virginia school, which he called “public choice” economics...the big irony being that “public choice” was the very LAST thing he was interested in.


Well-Known Member
Excellent comments, thank you! Copyright on the book is 2017, so it’s both current *and* out of date (yay, modern times).

A dot that may not be linked into during her talk is that the things we think of as “free market” economics, “libertarian” economics, “Austrian School / Chicago School / Hayek-von Mises” economics, are all versions of Buchanan’s Virginia school, which he called “public choice” economics...the big irony being that “public choice” was the very LAST thing he was interested in.
Those are the exact ones to look out for. Basically Chicago (and a few other major Universities with big law schools) use what is called a 'classical/neo-classical' economic model, which essentially ignores the 'long run' analysis that Keynes added to the literature.

It uses really nice and clean mathematical models that work well with data analysis and is useful in 'micro' economics, but is pretty useless in 'macro' economics. That is why schools like Chicago get a lot of publications. Which gets their graduates hired into more universities. But it is obviously political.

It kind of makes sense thinking about it from that speaker's perspective, because the micro models are about using your best available resources in ways to get the greatest return, because there is no long run, so any real investment return can be ignored. Id have to think about it more and read some books to make sure I am typing what I mean, but I think that all this trolling our society fits really well with that economic nonsense being pushed by political types.

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
@11:15 one of his jokes was actually pretty funny.

It does suck though that he really seems to not understand that the Russian military are using the exact techniques he is talking about in combination with actual trolls across every forum chat freely available to them and using prop up websites like 'the Hill', or 'OANN' to plant their narratives into society disguised as 'news'.

@38:40 He nailed it about Trump and how he got radicalized by his twitter addiction.
I watched 30 minutes . What is wrong with this guys health? I was trying to figure out how the negative dopamine hits might relate to enjoying horror movies. They say that if there isn’t a kill scene within the first 2 minutes the movie has a bad trajectory of success.
I turned off my reaction messages here now. Those have been annoying me for some time . Thanks for the nudge in the right direction ! Cheers!
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Well-Known Member
Very interesting! So he saying Twitter ruined Trump and the vicious cycle of losing followed by a dopamine hit has caused his Twitter addiction .
I really think he nailed Trump's addiction too. Has a lot of very good points.

I watched 30 minutes . What is wrong with this guys health? I was trying to figure out how the negative dopamine hits might relate to enjoying horror movies. They say that if there isn’t a kill scene within the first 2 minutes the movie has a bad trajectory of success.
I turned off my reaction messages here now. Those have been annoying me for some time . Thanks for the nudge in the right direction ! Cheers!
He is a big fat dude, I think is what you mean by his health, outside of that I am not sure at all.

That is interesting about the horror movies, I don't really watch too much of them, but I can understand where that might be a interesting way to look at how to design a movie, based on human reactions and the feeling they are left with.

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
I really think he nailed Trump's addiction too. Has a lot of very good points.

He is a big fat dude, I think is what you mean by his health, outside of that I am not sure at all.

That is interesting about the horror movies, I don't really watch too much of them, but I can understand where that might be a interesting way to look at how to design a movie, based on human reactions and the feeling they are left with.
Yes his morbid obesity is really repulsive, I can look past that because I like his weird hair. Lol. Half Afro half dreads . I don’t know how he pulls it off but he is kinda stylish even with all that extra adipose tissue. I watched him very carefully, as the video progresses his nose gets redder and redder and reminds me of an alcoholic nose but the way he expresses himself seems more like a coke fiend . Maybe he is both. At any rate he must have some serious health problems which he really needs help with.

Did you read Obama’s new book yet? I have heard some rid bits of some from reports and it sounds really interesting !


Well-Known Member
Yes his morbid obesity is really repulsive, I can look past that because I like his weird hair. Lol. Half Afro half dreads . I don’t know how he pulls it off but he is kinda stylish even with all that extra adipose tissue. I watched him very carefully, as the video progresses his nose gets redder and redder and reminds me of an alcoholic nose but the way he expresses himself seems more like a coke fiend . Maybe he is both. At any rate he must have some serious health problems which he really needs help with.

Did you read Obama’s new book yet? I have heard some rid bits of some from reports and it sounds really interesting !
I haven't read Obama's book yet, any of them unfortunately. So many books, so little time!

This guy had a burn cause his hair to not grow on one side of his face, but he really explains the behavior economic understanding of why people are being so ridiculous about the masks.

I have been pretty impressed with a lot of Amanpour's guests and discussions on youtube that I started watching a few days ago.

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
I haven't read Obama's book yet, any of them unfortunately. So many books, so little time!

This guy had a burn cause his hair to not grow on one side of his face, but he really explains the behavior economic understanding of why people are being so ridiculous about the masks.

I have been pretty impressed with a lot of Amanpour's guests and discussions on youtube that I started watching a few days ago.
Got the book! Started reading it today. It’s fantastic . I read Michelle’s book so i see the parallel timelines and stories . The writing is simple and easy and there are some real LOL surprises. He is such a class act.


Well-Known Member
Stumbled onto this guy a couple days ago, his work on dissecting propaganda is really impressive.

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