I absolutely cannot control humidity


Well-Known Member
I have a brand new lg air conditioner in my tent room set on dehumidify and 60 degrees, it is 90 in my tents and about 70 percent humidity, I just got a light proof baffle to open the vents some but I know it won’t do much, we are in the middle of a heat wave but the grow room is freezing, tents are hot any ideas, I run very good high quality exaust fans as well
A 60-70 liter dehumidifier is going to remove a lot more moisture than a window unit can. Dry air is easier to cool so it should offset the power being used by the AC.

Not sure about the tent temps being so high. What's the fan volume and tent sizes?

I had similar problems when I was growing in a spare room. Window unit + dehumidifier cleared up the issue.
Well it’s a portable one with a dehumidify option the throws cool air as well, I have a small size dehumidifier but throws heat in order to dehumidify so I only use it if I have to in the winter, I’m going to try this other 10000 btu window unit I just got a hold of along with the dehuey thanks guys
Rahz did your dehumidifier throw off any heat?

Yes it did, but dry air is easier to cool. I can't say exactly how it affected the electrical efficiency but the overall effect was cooler temps along with drier air. It might be worth it to run the dehumidifier with the AC for a few hours to see how it affects temps and humidity since you already have the equipment.

Once the humidity comes down to the desired level the dehumidifier will run intermittently so power use and heat generated will be less than one might think.
Yea, I asked about that but it wasn't addressed. With a good exhaust fan and "freezing" room I would expect the tent temps to be lower than 90.
You want to exchange all the air in the tent every 2 minutes by math. Remember your filter has a different rating of air flow than the fan does. Try to let air in the bottom on one side and exhaust out the top on the opposite side aswell
Thatt's right. The fan/filter need to be paired by airflow. What I've done in the past is oversize them and use a fan controller to dial it down to desired temps. Easy. It costs a little more but the filter will last longer and the fan is the least of the cost.
If your room is cool and your tent is not then it’s inadequate air flow as stated. The dehum mode on your ac is just a lower fan speed and perhaps it will allow for a few degrees of over cool as well. With proper air flow/exchange you should be able to get it fairly close. The only issue with not matching the filter cfm will be odour control.
How big is the tent, are you exhausting outside? If you’ve just got the fan pulling air out of the tent into the room it’s in your just moving the moist air not removing it.
I would reckon that it's your LG 'air conditioner' that's contributing to the problem OR it's not working effectively. That's just my opinion though
Airflow, and more airflow. I've got a 10000btu portable ac running and It's 29 outside, 23c in my room, 26c in the tent, and I vent from the tent into the same room. 63% in the room and 54% in the tent due to the air movement and heat from the light.

I run a 48ft³ tent, and I move 100cfm every minute. Any more and the humidity drops and temps go under 25. Don't give hot air time to build up in the tent and you'll be good.
How big is the tent, are you exhausting outside? If you’ve just got the fan pulling air out of the tent into the room it’s in your just moving the moist air not removing it.
That’s the reason for the AC. To cool and remove moisture from the air that is exhausted into the room from tent. So he needs to exchange tent air with conditioned air at a faster rate. Also portable AC’s are a poor choice but you use what you have. Exhausting the air outdoors would probably help to lower the load on the AC but he still needs more air exchanges in the tent.