hydroton ebb and flow


Active Member
ive been working with RW in an E&F system. but i don't like the unpredictability of RW.

i want to try using the small Rw cubes for cloning and then sticking them into a bed of hydroton.

any thoughts?


Well-Known Member
ive been working with RW in an E&F system. but i don't like the unpredictability of RW.

i want to try using the small Rw cubes for cloning and then sticking them into a bed of hydroton.

any thoughts?

The small RW cubes won't be able to support the plant upright once it get's taller. You need to put the small RW cubes into a bigger cube.

Plus I wouldn't put them into a bed of Hydroton until you know for sure that's where it's going to be for the life of the plant.
I keep my plants in 7-8 inch planter pot's until they are mature enough for blooming. Which at that time I place them into a bed of Hydroton.

Start with RW starter cubes, once you see some roots coming out of the bottom, place RW starter cubes in a 4 inch cube.
Put the 4 inch cube in 7-8 inch planter pot filled with Hydroton.
Once they're mature take the plant out of the pot and place into a bed of hydroton.
The roots will grow into the bed and will love you for it.


Active Member
can you think of any alternatives to the bigger rockwool cube? i'm tryin to keep this low budget.

i like the pot ideas though, imma work on that. right now im experimenting with the small cube in a red party cup filled with hydroton.
was gonna move them up when the roots got stronger