Hydroponics Vs. Soil


Well-Known Member
k first off i've never used a hydroponic system and the little i know about it i read today...ive grown outside several times, but i'd like to be able to grow year round and winter obviously prevents me from growing outdoors. So my question is basically Why should i purchase a hydroponic system when i can just get lights and grow inside? Is there an increased growth rate, or are the THC levels increased in plants grown in hydroponic systems?
Also i was wondering if u require an outside source of water, like a hose for most systems or all the water thats needed comes from the reservoir?
We just got a hydroponic store in town n im really interested in checkin it out, but i wanna know if its worth spending more, when i can just get lights and use soil?


Well-Known Member
Hydroponics grows the plants much much faster. at least in veg, still takes the right amount of time to flower.


Active Member
yeh you'll get the increased growth rate in veg... but also the added benefit, depending on the system you choose, of being able to leave plants for up to a week. this is due to the automated watering system with hydroponics.

You mix up you water and nuets in a resevior then using mechanical timers set watering times/light times.

Have a look at IWS flood and drain systems, bit pricey but excellent results.

Maybe better for begginers, and much cheaper, are new atami wilma dripper systems

Soil can still produce the best results but hydro makes your life easier as long as you get it right.