Hydroponics Take A Bite Out Of Crime


As I have been looking across the country for “non-official” information on both the availability and price of Marijuana through traditional Mexican sources I have seen an enlightening pattern unfold. There is a clear and telling trend toward US grow hydroponics both in Medical Marijuana shops and home “closet” growers.

Mexico and its deadly, ruthless drug cartels are paying the price. With Americans gaining access to locally legal Marijuana, there is a major drop in the demand for Mexican Marijuana across the US Southern border. In fact the Canadian Border seems to be replacing most of the traditional Mexican traffic. Not through the sale of grown harvested cannabis, but in seed sales. The Mexican drug cartels get rich on marijuana sales to the US especially in States that do not have legal marijuana status. The Canadian companies sell seeds, tax the sales, and are putting the drug cartels in Mexico out of business. As we have found out in the past few decades, when you outlaw anything that the majority of the population wants, only outlaws will profit from it. And profit they will! Unfortunately, instead of encouraging the Canadians, the US Justice Department is prosecuting the “Seed King” of Canada, Marc Emery while the Mexican Drug Lords are laughing. Just watch their sales return and increase once the Canadian seed companies are shut down.

The price of actual “street level” marijuana is dropping fast. Street dealers are getting hit hard by legal sales. Crime associated with the sale of “illegal” marijuana is also down.
As a case in point let’s look at Las Vegas, Nevada. While gambling was illegal, only organized crime profited from it. Crime sky-rocketed and the state lost a fortune trying to fight gambling related crime. They legalized it. Took it from the street and made a multi-billion dollar a year industry. Nevada is rolling in gambling tax money; crime compared to the “old gangster” days is way down. Now the holes in the desert are for golf, not hiding dead bodies!

Don’t ask, Don’t tell seems to be the Federal Governments position on it. The administration hasn’t really done anything to free the states to choose their own path. A stop was put on prosecuting companies and citizens in states that allow legal marijuana. Yes an administration policy change. But other than that, not much has changed. In most states here in the US a person with a bottle of Vodka and the keys to a car are allowed to “have a great night”. The same person with less than 1 gram of marijuana or just one seed is looking at jail time, fines, and a permanent criminal record. In 1947 may have seemed ok. But in 2010, it’s just unbelievable.

Just a thought….

“I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use.” -- Galileo Galilei


Active Member
We're getting there, but yeah...that's the reason I started growing really. I don't want my vice to be funding cartels and drug wars; I'd much rather have my money go to support breeders and hydro manufacturers and retailers.

If growing personal amounts of cannabis were to be decriminalized and money was funneled away from 'domestic eradication' towards cracking down on the cartels, the war on drugs would become a small sideshow of law enforcement.