Hydroponic vs. Soil


What kind of yield can I expect from growing in pots and soil vs. hydroponic or NFT growing systems?

I know strain somewhat determines yield but i'd like a rough estimate or average from someone who really knows what they're talking about

Thanks fam


Well-Known Member

why is everyone so concerned with the one thing that CAN NOT BE ANSWERED

Yield getting good comes with experience!!

and we could have a big grow off where the best soil guy throws down the glove with the best hydro guy, you know same strain, nutes, lights etc and there will still not be an answer

every garden is different (even in the same house) there is no real answer to this question


Well-Known Member
I haven't seen a hydro grow that made me go... oh wow I wish I could do that in my organic garden. I also don't work as hard as those guys do. I'll give them props for taking the time to really know the nutrient needs of their plants and getting creative with their grows. But I'm not switching anytime soon. Growing in soil is easy, cheap, and fun. Just like Las Vegas street hookers.


Well-Known Member
are you a new grower? if so go the easy way and do a hempy bucket its kind of both but very cheap and very easy , if this is your first grow the yield will be better too,
,i did soil and its pretty hard to get real good at it and it requires a lot more effort and its hard to fix if you mess up.