Hydroponic Root Rot?

Drip irrigation with Pump and an air stone. I have a 4 gallon reservoir with full strength solution of Ionic Grow and Fossil Fuel. No light leak. No signs of Algae. Roots have something dark on them. Possible rot?

Please, ask questions and make suggestions.




Active Member
Looks like the colour is from the nutrient solution to me. Do the roots feel slimy ? What is the temp of the water in the res ? If you don't have a method of keeping trck of res temps, I'd suggest going to your local WallyWorld or pet supply store and getting an aquarium thermometer.

If you're not covering your hydroton with something, then you will get some light leakage from that. I found that out the hard way.

I'd suggest getting some mylar to wrap that sucker in to keep your res temps down and cut out some circles big enough to cover your pots and cut a slit that goes halfway into it to slide around the stem.

Good luck with the rest of your grow man !!!

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
Bro, that's 100% without a doubt root rot.

I'm guessing that your pH is shooting up pretty good as well.

Since you stated that there's no light leaks and your rez temps are good, the only thing I can think of is to add some H2O2 (29%+) to your reservoir @1.5mL/gallon.

Good luck.

EDIT: another good fix/preventative for the future is to add more air pumps and stones to your reservoir - pythium is an anerobic bacteria, so the more dissolved oxygen in your solution, the better.

Add another air pump and air stone and use some H2O2 and you'll be fine.
My reservoir temperature is at 65. I was thinking the color is from the nutrient solution too. The roots do not feel slimy.

I've never used hygrozyme.

As opposed to hydroton, I've been using these little stones (look at pic).

I'll have to try your suggestion of using mylar to block the light


Yes, my ph has been going up.

Thanks for the advice. I will add some h2o2 and add a couple more air stones.

This is my fault. I introduced the root rot because I was impatient. When i first built my system, I was so eager to get it going that I took a young clone that had some roots established in dirt and I washed as much dirt off as possible and put the plant in the hydro system. Now I am paying for it.