hydroponic grow questions


New Member
Hello, I am a newbie and need some help understanding a hydroponic grow system. I am currently looking at a 20 site Hydroponic grow system NFT EBBFlow that is equipped with 6” plastic grow pots.
My questions are:
1. Should you start with a smaller pot (smaller than 6”) and transplant into larger pots throughout the growing stages?
2. What is the easiest way to transplant with minimal upset to the growth?
3. How do you determine the pot size for transplant and at what stages should you transplant?
4. Do you have to use specialized water (filtered) to fill the system or will “tap” water work?
5. Can I recycle the water from the system for my garden (flowers) the additives and nutrients will be all natural so it shouldn’t hurt my regular plants. Am I wrong?
Thank you for your help and I hope you all have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


Well-Known Member
Good morning prairiegrl,
You can you have rep points when this is your first post? I guess just being a chick. lol

Most of your questions are about transplanting. Not to worry...that's a soil thing. Generally you germinate or root a clone in a hydro appropriate medium like rockwool...then go directly into your 6" pot (or whatever). No transplanting needed.

Tap water is fine unless it's super hard. Below 200ppm or thereabouts should be good. Look up water quality report online for your city or county. The final hardness number is the one you're looking for.
Merry Christmas,

Commander Strax

Well-Known Member
you may want to check the chlorine/cloromine situation in your tap water.

Chlorine will evaporite out of tap water but cloromine will not. I live and grow with water treated with cloromine and from what I have read and seen the parts per million is not enough to worry about.

I run from seed so I am no help in the clone questions.

from your screen name can we asume that you are in fact a female? We like girls!

jm 420

need more info what your look ing at I grow trees in 3 inch net pots
tap water is fine best suggestion is use the lucas formula first run maybe a little cal mag as well
that can easily be recycled for a regular garden or houseplants

bunch of immature fucks carin if your female or not IMO

dwc is easier and cheaper ya ma want to look into that here a couple pic Picture 205.jpgPicture 025.jpgthats the size net pots there home for good,second pic is 1 plant 45 day veg from seed and pulled 14 oz,stalk was the size of a half dollar in the small pot
basiclly pot size dont matter in hydro


New Member
thank you for the replies and your help, after watching a few videos I think I have a basic understanding....more research to do but
I do have couple other question that I cant seem to find any answers 2. I apologize now if I needed to start a new thread.
Question: I plan to grow in a designated outdoor building, the research I've done shows a lower level intake for fresh air. Where I live it gets extremely cold (-40) So my question is do I need to "warm" the outside air prior to introducing it into the room?
2. Is a CO2 system really necessary or is it only required if the intake of fresh air is inadequate for a natural supply to the room? Room size will be 12 x 12

Thank you again....Happy New Year to you all!



Well-Known Member
Hi Prairiegrl,
I grew up on the prairies and know how cold it can get. You are going to have to heat the building to grow in it...and that includes the intake air. Plants don't handle freezing temperature drafts very well. I would suggest that you start a thread in the grow-room design sub-section. To get ideas about how to set up your room...ventilation, heat and all those issues.

Don't worry about CO2 enrichment. That's pretty much an advanced technique for after you have everything all dialed in...and you still want to do better. Most growers don't bother with it.

Good luck and keep warm...