Hydrogen CO2 setup problems


Anyone have one of these water cooled Hydrogen CO2 gens.? I have tried 5 times to set it up in the past 3 weeks. All I get is a soaking wet grow room within 30seconds. Is there a trick to it? I have destroyed 2 expensive hoses for it. Why they dont just have a male/female attachment for the hose to connect to it is beyond me. A hose clamp with that much pressure on, and off seems like a leak(or blown hose if the clamp gives way. which it did once) waiting to happen even if it worked for a while. Also I noticed that if the propane tank cuts out the back pressure builds within the Gen, and it pops a hose. I am running drain to waste(waste water goes to drip hoses out in the yard) but I haven't gotten far enough to find out if that will work.


Well-Known Member
Have you watched their set-up videos? And for that kind of money I would be on the horn to their tech department.


Well-Known Member
Obviously, I say obviously, the boy did one of the two. The boy's as sharp as a bowlin' ball. A bowlin' ball I say.


Active Member
I have a mini co2 gen by hydro inovations and it was simple as a plug and play can be. What's the problem? All it is is a hot water heater that runs water through a heat exchanger and back out. If your having problems with hoses coming off I would suspect that your using to big of a water pump for your setup or not tightening it down good enough..I like how I can take my watercooling off if I want to .