Hydro temps


Sooo scared of root rot. Res is currently running about 78 degrees, inside my flower room. Can easily do some rearranging and put it outside, and have a constant 70 degrees. Is it needed? Will 78 cause problems?


Well-Known Member
ya 78 is too hot.i start getting ph swings when mine goes above 72f. If you can move it easy i would do it right away.


moved it and am stable around 68-70. should i be concerned about root rot? checked all my roots and have no signs of it yet.


Well-Known Member
hmm... should probably check the temp on my res. Its all contained in a single chamber. I've got cold air intake coming into the bottom (where the res is) at 72 degrees, but the chamber itself is exhausting in the low 80s.

What type of PH swings do you usually see due to high temps: swings basic/acidic?


Active Member
Yes. Keeping your temps below 70 will help with bacteria and potential root rot. It is worth the extra effort. Also make sure everything is 100% lightproof.


Active Member
It will help. I recently Had a bacteria problem in which h2o2, zone, or anything else wouldn't help. I read up and found out that bleach at .5 ppm , which is less then tap water, will control it without hindering the plant. You have to run chemical ferts with it or h2o2.


Well-Known Member
just want to be prepared, fist time running hydro with anything I actually care about (although I did enjoy a great basil crop). thanks for the help man, appreciate it.


Well-Known Member
moved it and am stable around 68-70. should i be concerned about root rot? checked all my roots and have no signs of it yet.
i have no problems under 72f and i am not using h2o2 anymore. just keep an eye on things and you will be fine