hydro nutrients


Active Member
maybe someone can help me. i started a 4 tray SOG operation from scratch in my garage a while back. due to some unforseen circumstances, i had to temporarily abandon my efforts. i have the room buiilt and lighting purchased (1000 w hps to start with). my main question is about nutrients. what nutrients are easily available and which ones should i purchase? how many PPM should the nutrients be mixed to? are there more or less nutes from veg. to flower? should i use something called "bloom booster"? if so, in addition to or in place of other nutes? also should the nutrient solution resivoirs be kept a certain temperature? must the nute solution be aerated w/ a fish take aerator constantly, or periodically? also, i saw on a post that someone uses small amounts of h2o2 (hydrogen peroxide) in the nute solution to increase oxygen to the plants. is that a good idea? also, what is the least complicated way to take cuttings? if anyone could answer these questions i would much appreciate it! got a new digital camera, will post pics of crop when i actually have something to take a picture of...

luvvin growin

Active Member
the nutes are all available at hydro stores,what brand you use is entirely up to you.Most of them come with nute schedules for you to get a base level off of,but plants all react differently depending on strain,so the ppm will fluctuate.The temp of the water is coll as long as it remains about room temp.H2O2,air stone,all doing the same thing,putting oxygen into the water,so again,delivery is up to you,but it does help the plants,so I'd recommend it whatever way you get it to the plants.Constantly,to keep the nutes moving and not settling.Taking cuttings is dependant on you,what system?Hydro?Cut,dip in rooting gel,place in the rockwool and put it under a dome with 24 hours of light.
You can get the PH testers at home depot for a couple bucks. They are the old fashion strip kind but they will work.

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