hydro Help/ Droopy/twisted leaves PICS INSIDE!


Active Member
6 Sour diesel clones
ph= 5.7
ppm= 160
Rh= L 15% H 40%
Here Are some Pictures,
I have had them for 4, I made a newb mistake by keeping the res. water an 1inch above the net pot, Changed It too about an inch below the netpot,

Question is , is it Overwating? nute burn?
another is I have My drippers Off Due to roots r now sitting in water but Do I still need to have it on a timmer like 15 On every 3 hrs? cuz i Checked them Now And 3/6 of the cubes were Dry.

Sorry I Dont have acces to my Photobucket
Heres a Link With PICTURES!

link removed