Hydration for dried cannabis

Not sure this is really a good idea... But with my tobacco when it dries out I just take a slice of an apple and put tinfoil around it, poke alot of holes in it and throw it in there. Works and tastes good (at least for tobacco).
don't go in the jar everytime you need a bud

Uhm, outta curiousity: what's he supposed to do instead of going in his jar to enjoy a smoke?
Say abra cadabra and make some buds magically teleport from the inside to the outside?
Believe me I tried multiple times when I was too lazy to get up and go over to my jar...
NEVER happened tho...
i have big tins that i rarely open that i use to fill up small mason jars that i open all the time
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And in those jars the buds dry out, no? Guess we're at point A again...
only after a while by then you restock it from a different strain so its always fresh and different
its a small jar that you can dip into without feeling guilty about opening
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only after a while by then you restock it from a different strain so its always fresh and different

I say he should simply ramp up his consumption rate and not give these fuckers any chance to dry out in the first place.

Not drying too much in the first place as mentioned by prophet would surely be helpful.
Also not constantly opening it to take a whiff or look sounds like a good plan.
Also moving the stuff he's smoking into smaller glasses is a good idea, maybe fill em up more so there's less air in it.
Also: I know... nobody cares about my slice of an apple theory, so... fk it go buy boveda packs if you wanna throw out more money.
Uhm, outta curiousity: what's he supposed to do instead of going in his jar to enjoy a smoke?
Say abra cadabra and make some buds magically teleport from the inside to the outside?
Believe me I tried multiple times when I was too lazy to get up and go over to my jar...
NEVER happened tho...
Take out enough for a couple days. Don't open the main jar every time you want a pack a bowl
Take out enough for a couple days. Don't open the main jar every time you want a pack a bowl

I thought that this should actually be common sense, but...
... lately I see, hear and read things that make me totally question my faith in humanity...

for example: (whatsapp chat between 2 people I know)

Person A: Everything goin to shits in my life, my gf left me, I can't pay rent I don't have food I don't know what to do can you help me?
Person B: I'm just getting by myself.
Person A: alright... thx anyways
Person B: and how are you?

Anything works almost, small corner of bread, orange peel, small piece of lettuce, small piece of banana peel. 24-36 hours and weed is most again
If your weed is dried correctly and your container is sealed, it will stay put. Adding stuff to the container to introduce moisture is asking for problems long term. IMHO
If your weed is dried correctly and your container is sealed, it will stay put. Adding stuff to the container to introduce moisture is asking for problems long term. IMHO

agree, unless you didn’t control the cure and it’s brittle when you get it