humor: You know you've left your plants in the cloner too long when...


Well-Known Member
1 - You need to top off your cloner at least once a day since they're drinking so much
2 - You can't remember when you put them in the cloner
3 - You decide to start giving them light veg nutes to stop them from yellowing and having deficiencies
4 - You can't lift the cloner lid without the tangled mess of roots lifting your pump out too
5 - You can't pull the clones out of the holes due to their roots & stems having gotten so large
6 - The foam clone plugs have a large hole that won't close back up once you take the clone out and are left stretched out.

Yeah, I wasn't ready to roll when they rooted and just left them in there for several weeks - and when I did try to take them out it was a hot mess. I had one plant where the stem had already gotten so large it was bigger than some of the plants on my last run.

Unfortunately, they didn't transplant well. Too much root damage getting them out and they were too big for their roots to keep them happy after transplanting into a coco/peat/worm casting mix. I left them in low light conditions and the medium had plenty of water content but they were used to sipping from the rez and just didn't take root it seems. I've given them a few days (5) and all but 1 is still extremely wilted.

Time to start over with fresh clones from the mom I suppose, I was hoping to take advantage of all that veg time in the cloner. But learn from my mistakes and have a laugh at my expense. ;-)