Humidity sensor problem


Anyone has any idea what might be wrong as I have 2 humidity sensors in about same place in my grow tent, but other shows 52% and other 38%. They are both from Spider Farmer, other came with grow tent and other from humidifier that I recently bought. So one of them has to be wrong, because sensors are so close to each other.
Probably both of them are wrong, tbh. Welcome to the world of cheap humidity sensors, and, to a lessor degree, microclimates in your grow.

you can buy 3 more and they’ll all read different. Will say though, that a 14% difference is pretty high, but anything under a 10% difference is pretty standard unfortunately. Pick one and run with it, or do mental math and average them. We adapt and adjust. Good luck.
Per @Triplefastaction, if you bought a "six pack" of sensors, their accuracy is questionable.

A bought a three pack of Govee wireless sensors (temp and RH) and they've maintained their accuracy since I bought them in March. They're $40 for three of them and the reason for a three pack is that RH is different in different places. Ambient RH isn't all that useful because the RH for the plant is going to be significantly higher than the RH in one location that's a couple of feet from the plant.

How to get some accuracy in your sensors? Calibrate them.

Check YouTube for the "salt method" for calibrating an RH sensor. A small amount of water in a soda bottle cap full of table salt in a closed baggie will get RH to 75% after at least 12 hours in a room with a constant, moderate temperature. Once the RH settles at 75%, write down the adjustment value (+4 or -3, as the case may be) on a small piece of paper and put that on the hygrometer with sticky tape.

The inexpensive hygrometers will wander with a month or two but you can always calibrate one sensor and then use that calibrated sensor to "soft calibrate" the other sensors.

RH is really hard to nail down. I've used AC Infinity, Inkbird, Pulse, AcuRite, and Govee as well as the cheap ones and the name brand sensors worked well.
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I am adjusting the vivosun temps and humidity every 3 days based on the same govee 3 pack that have been rock steady and agree after calibration for almost 2 weeks. Same with humidity but less so. Vivosun is fast but wanders. Govee os slow but when a set up just purrs it stays solid
calibre 3 are cheap and fairly accurate. you can adjust the humidity level. i also use the salt and water in a ziplock to adjust rh.