Humidity Problems

i been running 65% to 70 sometimes even higher.i am few weeks into flower now and i have a lot of ac's running to keep hot temp down . I also have 3 dehumidifiers running constant blowing out hot air even though temp is only 75F ...... the humidity still won't drop no exhaust do u think that will make that much of a difference? also all the bottom branches are dead is it ok to cut the branches off they are not getting any light from down there what do i do?


Well-Known Member
Are you growing in a basement or something?? And yes, you should almost always cut the bottom 1/3 (straggly branches) of your plant to let the tops get the most light and get big and fat....

Make sure you aren't overwatering....


Active Member
Any dead growth should be removed immediately, especially with the humidity you describe. You'll create a bit of better airflow removing them which will in turn help shift the humidity around.


Well-Known Member
Fuck yea dude. You gotta get that old air out of there somehow. From what I understand (I'm still new) it is much better to have exhaust PULLED out rather than pushing in and passive outake. It's humid in there because you have no fresh air. That's the way I read it @ least...


Well-Known Member
No, dont top that far into flowering. You should top at least 7-10 days before you start flowering unless you want to be counterproductive. Best off just to bend the stems to get the overall plant profile you are after. Just be careful when bending that you don't snap a branch or top....rub the stem where you want to bend a bit between your fingers to get them nice and elastic then bend to prevent a snap.
so this exhaust fan which i have a 8inch maybe 12 layin around it will bring humidity down from 65-70 to 50% where is safe to stay away from mold??


Well-Known Member
so this exhaust fan which i have a 8inch maybe 12 layin around it will bring humidity down from 65-70 to 50% where is safe to stay away from mold??
Depends on how big your room is. You need an exhaust fan that can get rid of all the cubic feet worth of air in the room at least every 5 minutes (if not less) in my opinion....fresh air is essential to keep humidity down and keep CO2 levels adequate for optimum growth. I use a 435CFM (on controller at about 1/2 to 3/4 speed) 6" Inline fan as exhaust for my 55" x 55" x 79" tent which is essentially about 140 cubic feet total. That means my fan, if it were going at lets say 280CFM, would be getting rid of all the air in the tent about every 30 seconds which is awesome. My humidity stays about 60% with lights off and about 50% lights on.