Humidity problems please help guys!!!!

the real G

hi every1 im having some serious problems wit my humidy at the moment so could really do wit some help! ill tell u as much as i can about the grow conditions just please help! first off all the room is 3m long by 1.5m wide, i using hydro growing clay pebbles just put come new babys in there under 3x600w, got a primair controller so the temp is perfect at 28 day night about 22 but the humidity wont go above 20% maybe 25% somtimes! really dont no wot to do tried a little humidifier but not really helping so any suggestions feel free!! many thanks G:leaf:


Well-Known Member
bigger humidifier, or hang towels around room blow fan on them mist the towels and walls regularly, could also lower the exhaust seal the room...


Active Member
Wet to the point they almost dripping....also get the water as hot as possible but dont get scolded when ringing out the excess, Before i had a humidifier that was my trick and i could get the humidity up to 70%.

the real G

im no expert but wot i do no is that u wanna try keep your room humidity high in veg and low in flower not to sure on the reasons why but it works belive me tried and tested my friend!!

i checked my room today and the humidity slowly going up now at 32% just put the towels in there to so hope that helps a bit too! cheers 420 and slimdigital for the info well needed thanks guys


Well-Known Member
Vegetative growth occurs at optimal levels when RH is 55-60%. Flowering is optimal at closer to 40% RH. Of couse is still grows when outside of theese ranges. Low RH in veg will slow growth just a bit and may cause stretching. Low RH in flower can actually 'drive' the plants harder, requiring more water and more opportunities for nutrients as well as a very mild stress that actually causes the plant to grow more resiliantly or potent.


Active Member
I think he talkn veg not bloom well thats what I answerd in regards to!. Now bloom keep that humidity way down 40% or lower.

Stoner Smurf

Active Member
If you already tried a little humidifier and that didn't help all these DIY answers people come up with won't work. Wet towels, water filled crock pots on low, etc will raise the humidity in a small location, but even a small humidifier works better. It sound to me you just need a larger humidifier, I got one for 50 bucks that raises my RH from 25% to 55% in a 10x10x10x room with 2 6in 450CFM fans exhausting that room. So they're not that expensive and you will save your self a lot of frustration.

Rick Ratlin

Active Member
Just wait till your babies get going before you freak, a room full of bigger plants puts out much more moisture during peak growth. My 5.5'*5.5' flowering room, when full keeps exhaust, a/c, and my humidifier busy. What's the outside RH for you, mine is high, usually 60-90% unless theres a snowstorm or rainstorm.