humidity dome?


Active Member
What do you guys think of putting a humidity dome over germed seeds? the seeds are in plastic red cups with foxfarm ocean forest as the soil. i have the humidity dome already i was just wondering if this would be a good idea.

i was gonna wait till the first true set of leaves showed before putting light on it, does this sound like a good idea?


Well-Known Member
You can put them humidity dome on until the break the soil. You will want to take it off when they do, they will need to breath. Turning on a small amount of light will help keep them warm, you don't need to put a big hid light on them if that is what you mean.VV


Active Member
i've always added light right after break through. and i keep them in the dome for a few days ..... misting the inside of the dome regularly to create a greenhouse effect of sorts. keep the dome on tightly for the first 2 or 3 days, then start to put the dome lid askew to let fresh air in gradually, until you remove the dome completely. all about a week process for me.... give or take.


Active Member
ok i think i will just toss em under the cfls i have once they have broke soil for about a week before i put em under the MH. Thanks for the advice guys