Humidity dome or death trap?

setup.pnghey everybody just started this grow last week only 1 of my 3 seeds have popped and its been drying out so I figured i'd try to help it out by zip-tying some clear plastic to the pop let me know what you think for all i know i could be giving my plant cancer or something so helpful tips would be excellent


Active Member
I found my last grow to have alot of Humidity Problems, I live ina realy Dry Climate But i Put a 4L Pail of Water in the Grow Closet and it seemed to keep the humidity around 60%, Check out the new grow in my Sign, But That plastic wrap will work for a little while, but what are you going to do once its larger, The plant will need a good cyc of fresh air to grow, Im not to sure how long that will work for..but im not a progrower buti know a plant needs to breath

d r0cK

Well-Known Member
i have yet to use a humidity dome and have had 22 of 24 clones root, grow and flower over the last year. next time you start from seed the best way i have found is to grab some paper towels, soak them with water, fold them in half together, put the seeds on them and fold them in half again covering the seeds. put the paper towels on a dinner plate, and put the plate in a plastic bag. then put the bag with the plate in a dark area for 24 hours undisturbed. check the seeds after 24 hours, if they have not yet broken and started a root, fold the towel back over put it back into the dark area and check every 6 hours. good healthy seeds will start to root within 36 hours. once they have shot a root out, put the seed into whatever you are growing in with the root pointing down. if its soil that you are growing in make sure the soil is nice and wet. after you put the seed into your grow medium it will take another 24-48 hours to pop through the surface and expose its first water leaves.

as far as your plastic wrap goes, it will work, just take a knife or a needle or something and put some ventilation holes in the plastic. once the plant has its first set of sun leaves ditch the plastic .
alright thanks for the help dudes ya i ditched the wrap once my little guy bounced back up it just dried the fuck out over the weekend cause i had to leave it for 2 days now it seems decent but ya the two seeds haven't come up d rock i did use the paper towel method the plant thats grow did great tap root was out in less than a day, another one had the root show but after that it hasnt grown at all and the third is just a straight dud the seeds didnt look the greatest from the begining, thanks for the advice tho we'll see what other problems i run into