humidity - day nite difference, mould advice needed.

Hi All,
just added CO2 to my room, from what i have read an increase in temps is needed to work and little if any venting. CO2 runs during lights on only (unis controller releases every 4 minutes) and i vent for 15 mins every hour (constantly at lights out) temps are 33C lights on 22C off and humidity is 70-75 on and 40 off.
my question is will the day humidity encourage mould? or the drop over nite make it ok?


i would def try to lower ( lights on) humidity my room runs at 40-50% humidity lights on and 55%-65% humidity lights off and i havent had any issues also depends on your genetics


Active Member
my Humidity is like 30 % during the night and 40-50% during day time, with my co2 going and my inline off so the co2 can build in my tent and plants take advantage of it, it will go up more like to 60% and temps to like 80-85 degrees. You just dont want it to get too extreme like 90 n up degrees, once u do have a serious humidity prob u will deff kno cause ur plants will tell u. but if ur plants look fine i would adjust it but wouldnt worry urself to death cause cannabis plants are really strong,they can handle alot