Human Health and Chelated Minerals Theory and Postulation .


Well-Known Member
First , on the internet AMA Doctors will say there is no proof that taking Chelated Minerals work any better than plain old Minerals .
Then they turn around and say some old people might benifit from Chelated Minerals due to old people having problems absorbing plain old minerals .

So my theory or postulation is that when you get old your stomach produces less stomach acid Plus your Pancreas produces less digestive enzymes plus your Liver produces less bile . Perhaps it is these subtances that old people are low in are the chemicals that Chelate Minerals and why old people can have difficulties absorbing Minerals .

Now that I have been drinking garlic powder in water and Habanero Hot Sauce (a few drops) mixed in water , my left hip does not hurt anymore and my back does not hurt any more and other bone related places that use to hurt no longer do ; Perhaps it is the Amino Acid in Garlic Powder and whatever is in Habanero Hot Sauce ( diluted with water ) ; perhaps this allows me to absorb minerals that are in the food that I eat . This implies that you do not have to buy Chelated Minerals ; It implies that perhaps I am Chelating Minerals like a younger person does , by Consuming Amino Acids which chelate the minerals I eat and drink in the nutritious food I eat . I am not sure if the Garlic or Habanero plus water stimulates my stomach to produce more hydrochloric acid or not or whether Garlic and Hanenero have digestive enzymes in them . Whatever the truth might be , All of my bones feel like they are now healed . Time will tell .

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First , on the internet AMA Doctors will say there is no proof that taking Chelated Minerals work any better than plain old Minerals .
Then they turn around and say some old people might benifit from Chelated Minerals due to old people having problems absorbing plain old minerals .

So my theory or postulation is that when you get old your stomach produces less stomach acid Plus your Pancreas produces less digestive enzymes plus your Liver produces less bile . Perhaps it is these subtances that old people are low in are the chemicals that Chelate Minerals and why old people can have difficulties absorbing Minerals .

Now that I have been drinking garlic powder in water and Habanero Hot Sauce (a few drops) mixed in water , my left hip does not hurt anymore and my back does not hurt any more and other bone related places that use to hurt no longer do ; Perhaps it is the Amino Acid in Garlic Powder and whatever is in Habanero Hot Sauce ( diluted with water ) ; perhaps this allows me to absorb minerals that are in the food that I eat . This implies that you do not have to buy Chelated Minerals ; It implies that perhaps I am Chelating Minerals like a younger person does , by Consuming Amino Acids which chelate the minerals I eat and drink in the nutritious food I eat . I am not sure if the Garlic or Habanero plus water stimulates my stomach to produce more hydrochloric acid or not or whether Garlic and Hanenero have digestive enzymes in them . Whatever the truth might be , All of my bones feel like they are now healed . Time will tell .

Or it’s all in your head. You want it to work so bad it does. The brain is one powerful organ Or supercomputer whatever you want to call it. But the placebo effect is real and your post are prime examples of if. As for amino acids, there’s so little in garlic I doubt it’s doing much for you. I take 8 grams of amino acids and eaas an day sometimes more.
There is another possibility about my bones no longer hurting . For the last few months I have been eating a lot of eggs . Eggs have a good supply of all of the essential amino acids . Eggs have more amino acids than garlic does . It could be that the amino acids in the eggs I eat are allowing my to absorb minerals . Perhaps absorbing minerals can make your bones to stop hurting . I guess someday I will purchase some Cheleated minerals . They also use substances for Chelation Therapy to treat toxic levels of things like Lead in human beings , and even though the therapy works there are side effects that can be serious like Liver Damage . The Chelation of minerals to improve absorbtion in human beings is not dangerous and is a completly different than Chelation Therapy to remove toxins from humans . Farmers are currently using Advanced Chelation of Minerals and Elements to treat their crops . There are several large companies that make products that are considered Advanced Chelation Science and some of them make products for both Humans and Crops . You can purchase 10 pound bags of Chelated Calcium on the internet that probably is for Agriculture .

I still believe that the garlic I consure and diluted Habanero Hot Sauce is somehow involved in my slow removal of pain in my bones . I have been taking garlic and hot sauce for 2 years . Perhaps it takes two years for them to help bones . But the eggs ( I eat about 8 eggs a day in the form of a large omlette at breakfast and fried egg sandwiches at dinner . I don't eat lunch .
I have type two diabetes and many believe high protein diets with low carb intake is suggested as the proper thing to do with type 2 diabetics .

Chelated Minerals for Humans are generally suggested by many AMA doctors to be a good thing for old people to take . On younger people AMA doctors usually say that they don't really help because younger people generally do not have mineral deficiency due to the fact that younger people absorb essential minerals easily . Non AMA doctors sometimes suggest that Chelated Minerals help even younger people because they might eat unbalanced meals and do not eat essential minerals on a regular basis , ( like kids that drink a 12 pack of soda pop . I have heard that soda pop can pull minerals out of your body , Or many they are in college and eat pizza every night and eat low quality food for breakfast and lunch . Perhaps these younger people should at the very least take regular minerals and perhaps Chelated Minerals could help them for some reason .)

I good way to think of Protein is that they are made up of a chain of amino acids .

And if you like to read about DNA ;

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