huge problem


has anyone had incident where lights were turned on for 7 days after 4 weeks of budding. my heads started getting funny shape because they have gone back into growing phase.
if any of you people have experianced similar incident or knows anything about it please let us know what will heppend and how much effect it will have on it . thanks


Active Member
Damn this happened to me a few grows back!! and i happened to my friend on his current grow. damn timers. but ya his happened in the 2nd week of flower and now his plants look great as if it never happened. mine happened in the 4th week just like yours did, and kinda werent really the same again. i had to pull the plug on that grow once i got a crazy bad spider mite infestation because i didnt pay attention to the grow as much after the light issue happened, so im not sure if they would have ended up being ok. they definitely started to grow buds again, so im sure youll be ok. just maybe a little fluffier than you would have hoped


oh man u made me fill bit better :) thanks a lot mate i appritiate it. if u ever get spider use stuff called (0mate) thats the best posible stuff i had bugs in 5th week sprayed it and plants came out awsome. but always spray it before buding or even when they are small and than week before budding u will never have problem with any bugs. make shure it doesnt get into your eyes cose u will need a surgery, hapend to my mate.