HUGE philosophical problem with my grow


My good friend and roommate decided it would be a good idea to offhandedly tell his mom im growing in my closet..........on what planet that is a good idea i have no clue...but his mom says i either have to kill/get rid of the plants or he has to move out.....WTF KIND OF A CHOICE IS THAT? a fat stash of mary J or my friend?!?!?

so what would ya'll do? im toying with the idea of finding someone thats okay with harboring it in their closet and i'll still cover all the costs and guaranteein them a zone when its done but idk whats yall's thoughts?:-(


Well-Known Member
well know you have a few issues .
the choice which is obvious .

but now you have potential snitches .
I would say go with the friend .
if you kick him out , he might start talking to people .
long story short , people kicking down your door .
(mind you I dont know him)

just a few things to think about .
bros before grows .


oh yeah no im all about bros before everything.....but he told his mom....and she is making him move out....i was minding my own business i dont see how this is my what alternate universe was it a good idea to tell his mom? and now all my money has to go to waste because he told his mommy?
get rid of the plants

get rid of your friend

fondle his mom in her butt for being such a bitch


educate them to the helpful and beneficial effects of Cannabis

Juicy Fruit

Active Member
Keep things peaceful and move the plants without his knowing to somewhere safe, mabby move out a little later as obviously someone has a big mouth and in the long run it only means posible time in jail.


Well-Known Member
My good friend and roommate... would be a good idea to tell...
Apparently not such a good friend that you didn't see this coming or see his nonchalant attitude towards your grow before now ??


If it's someone you live with, they HAVE to be sharing the risk. Otherwise you WILL get pinched...eventually.

so what would ya'll do?
DON'T tell anyone about the grow
DON'T tell anyone about the grow toying with the idea of finding someone...


yeah i got a couple of friends that all ready have shitloads of bud in their house at any given time so i figure there would be no risk for them more then they already have so i mayyyyyyyyy look into workin a deal with them

and he's a nonchalant guy nothin was really different...other than he thinks he is on such a friendly and grown up level with his mom (who supplies him with all of his money) that he can tell her my business.....but moving them is definitely looking better every second
Ight brotha here you go... Bros>grows>blunts>cunts

Simple I am interested in women for 2 reasons and I haven't figured out wut the second one is yet ;) I smoke weed for obvious reasons that out weight the need for a women all day long but as a man I have my weaknesses ha then I'd rather grow then smoke anynight of the week to insure more smoke to come... And honestly a friend over all of them b.c a friend is there for you when you get fucked over by the first three... And man if ur friend is a doushe one day you can easily smoke it out and everything will be alright


Active Member
My two cents.

Your friend is a jackass and jackasses dont make good friends, nonchalant or not It shows either a HUGE lack of common sense or disregard for him to tell ANYONE let alone his mother about your grow.

I have had a few friends like this and Ill tell you, when it all comes down to it and shit has actually hit the fan that they ALWAYS let you down.
Your friend has put your freedom in jeopardy as if it were nothing ( what if his mom tells anyway? )
You shouldnt tell anyone about your grow, but you should make sure you know your friends Dont associate with jackasses.


yeah i mean it was a roommate thing so me rumblin through the house with 2 huge light fixtures on my shoulder i had to tell him, but yeah either A) he told his mom and he's just that dumb or B) he's a pussy and doesnt wanna tell me he doesn't like me growing so he's blaming it on his mom......either way its gay, im movin out next year and doin a gnarly grow BY for this one, i think ill still supervise someone elses closet....and split the crop


Active Member
Tell your friend to go f*ck himself. People like that will only get you into trouble. Never tell anyone that you are growing unless they are growing also otherwise you will always get ass raped.


If it was me, I would talk with the Mom. I would sit down with her in a private setting, just the two of you, and let her know why you are doing it. Tell her how your family has a history of anxiety and stress related issues at school, work, and with family and friends. Tell her how the doctor just wants to put you on pills that are expensive and just make you a zombie to the world. Tell her you tried that, and it just made you sit in your room.

If you get her on your side, let her know that you are growing a small amount for your own personal use, and show her how the laws would only reflect a small slap on the wrist. Explain that its just a matter of time before med mj is available for you to grow legally. Ask her for her opinion on what pills she would recommend you start taking. Right now, its you against her. You need her on your team.

After all this, if she still says NO (which I don't think she will) then ditch the grow. Show her that you've done it. Then ask for her help to deal with your anxiety.


windex's idea seems best to me tell them its gone and just ride it out you dont want to be moving plants and equipmemt about now do you


Active Member
If it was me, I would talk with the Mom. I would sit down with her in a private setting, just the two of you, and let her know why you are doing it. Tell her how your family has a history of anxiety and stress related issues at school, work, and with family and friends. Tell her how the doctor just wants to put you on pills that are expensive and just make you a zombie to the world. Tell her you tried that, and it just made you sit in your room.

If you get her on your side, let her know that you are growing a small amount for your own personal use, and show her how the laws would only reflect a small slap on the wrist. Explain that its just a matter of time before med mj is available for you to grow legally. Ask her for her opinion on what pills she would recommend you start taking. Right now, its you against her. You need her on your team.

After all this, if she still says NO (which I don't think she will) then ditch the grow. Show her that you've done it. Then ask for her help to deal with your anxiety.
I'm sorry, this is the dumbest idea I have ever heard in my entire life on planet Earth.
You do something like this guy is saying when youre just having philisophical discussions about med mj with others, NOT when youve been given an altumatum by someone and your decision could possibly land you in jail.

Do this if you want, but it would be just as silly and ignorant to do this, as it was for your friend to tell his freaking mommy!
Sorry if this sounds rude, not trying to be.


Well-Known Member
Your friend sounds like a doucher and anyone who tells his mom something like that was probably a ploy to get you out of the house. either move or kill your plants dude ..

Jer La Mota

Well-Known Member
How old is that "good" friend ? tell his mother ?! Jackass Indeed ..

Id keep a clone or two somewhere .. trashing that grow to me, would also mean trashing that friendship .. what goes around comes around !


alright ladieeeeessssss heres the master plan.....i may or may not be epicly blazed BUT none the going to go with the idea of riding out the grow....we have a spare bedroom im thinking about moving it into that closet and putting a deadbolt on the door......throwing them into flower a little early and being done by late january.....if hes dumb enough to tell his mom.....he's dumb enough to think i ditched em ;)