Huge party!!! Friends, bud, and hopefully a tasty snack!!!!


Well-Known Member
So some friends and I are having somewhat of a party(People over, but not that much), and we want to cook some weed.

Now, I know about cooking with weed, but I dont know what to cook. I really want some brownies, but I wouldnt mind trying other stuff.

What would you recomend? And what tequnique would you use?


Golden Ray

Well-Known Member
Chocolate chip cookies. 9 grams bud grinded and added to 1 stick butter ( you will get 1/2 out of it) in pan low simmer and stir - 30-40 mins later bake 20 cookies- one cookie = 8 hr high.
Hey umm where's my invite to party ?


Well-Known Member
lol. You mind taking a plane?

I will probably buy 2 ounces of swag(whats available right now). This will be split between by about 4-7 people. A few of us chip in for ours, and the others supply their own:P

Anywho, I want to smoke all day and eat something after. I will have a ton of bud, but its swag. So how much should I use for 4-7 people? Keep in mind We all want to smoke a TON.(Leaving like half a ounce. Should I buy another ounce?)


Well-Known Member
I was flying off of some SSH mashed potatoes, make cannabutter seperately and add it to the potatoes. You can make mac and cheese same thing with the cannabutter, peanut butter toasties which is just putting some ground up weed on top of peanut butter and putting in the oven at 250 for like 20 minutes, pretty much anything.


Well-Known Member
either way,, if you do it correctly you wont be disappointed.. ive never heard of special mashed potats.. i might just have to try that sometime.. and mac and cheese!!!!


Active Member
Fried chicken with gravy is the best for special food and if you toss those mashed potatoes mentioned up above i think you've got yourself quite the meal.


Well-Known Member
Eh, we would probably eat other stuff for food. I'd rather eat something sweet that will have bud in it.

I'm probably doing the brownie one.