HSO Blue Dream Grow


Well-Known Member
Well its been a little bit since my last post but shit's been shit lately broke my damn ankle and wife lost her meds due to some bullshit so here i am back at it!!
Blue dream (HSO) its 22 days into veg and so far so good I think but cant find a whole lot of info on the net besides arguements about it being real not real whatever I'm growing it regardless all the crap I find.


600 watt Mh for veg
FFOF soil
Nutes nothing besides lime added and some cal-mag, For flower gonna try this stuff i got awhile back H&R for free:-P
Temps 73-79
RH 22-35% due to the winter months
7 gal smart pot


Everyone says that i find 8-9 weeks to completely flower don't know i'll see when its done. Gonna veg 7-9 weeks depends on how big she gets. Comments welcome and appreciated thanks.


Active Member
She looks pretty nice. You have good dirt and container. Them little bit of tiny yellowing on the leaf tips are very early signs of excess nutes. Keep an eye on that and maybe even cut back the nutes a tad. Other than that shes pretty sexy. Keep up the good work.


Well-Known Member
thanks brother i know bout the burn put some of the h&r in and put to much in but thats the last of that. otherwise i agree she's doing pretty good.


Well-Known Member
I have this same seeds from HSO from that October special they were runnin. Did you get the freebies too ? Green crack etc? Anyway, I wont be runnin mine for awhile so I hope you can keep this thread alive so we can follow the run. I'm interested in how this goes for ya bud.


Well-Known Member
no i ordered 3 of em from the tude wanted to run em and see how they went , got a purple haze freebie from g13 and will keep you all updated as much as possible and again thanks guys.


Well-Known Member
Well these BD's are no joke! Seems like they grow super fast cause every time i open up the closet they've grown 1/4 to a 1/2 inch every day to every other day!!:weed:


Well-Known Member
Thanks brother! I was hoping she was a tad bit bigger at this point, but she's doing well due to some moving her around for some renovations to my house. But now that there done she can get the attention she deserves!!


Well-Known Member
Nah, they're lookin nice bro, I'm keepin an eye on 'em, I'll be droppin some of those beans myself this week sometime so I'm watchin this.


Well-Known Member
I know man i'm excited to get them flowering to see the transition. So far they respond to nutes pretty well but i still haven't given her a full dose yet at 50% but responding pretty well gonna up the dose next water. She's at 14" and gonna veg for another 2 weeks then starting to flower then. But good luck with them guys she's a pretty strain.