HPS & MH Together new setup bad idea?


Active Member
My grow tent was like this


- = MH
T = Tree

Now I have it like this

/ T \

/ = MH 400W

\ = HPS 400W

T = Tree

Good idea or bad? Heat isn't a problem since its winter and my grow room with lights ON can sometimes hit 65F if I dont watch the fan timers.


Active Member
Lights off can be 58-65F depending if I open or close the vent from outside to inside tent.
Last few days I close it off and open the bottom passive vent in the tent and its stable around 70F but I need to get the RH down from 59%-65% at night to around 45-55%
Why would people assume a more balanced spectrum of light to be bad lol?
Just asking questions. I didnt assume anything. I work in the Medical Field, so I understand how complex things can be. Also in the Med Field you learn REAL quick not to make assumptions and you better damn well know every detail to what ever it is you're doing. Hence the reason Im asking questions.