hps in a closet, first grow

This is my first grow!

Strain: 3x Babylonia Fruit

Lights: 4x 30W CFL daylight (6500k)

Light cycle is 18/6, and I'm not using any nutrients yet (the soil should supposedly be nutrient-rich though). I appreciate all comments!


I keep the lights very close


Day 11 since seed (day 8 since they first peeked out of the soil)



I am concerned about this one. What problem does usually wrinkled leaves at the edges indicate?



They all still look quite small to me, I hope I'm not doing anything wrong. At this point I'm just sprinkling water 3-4 times every second day just around the plant but in the beginning I watered every day and more around in the entire pot. Suggestions?

They are all also a bit yellow in the middle, they have been that way for the entire time, could my lights be too close? Or does it have to do with something else?



Well-Known Member
if your using aluminum foil as a reflector hood id take it down or just spray paint the insides flat white, aluminum foil will leave burn marks.


Well-Known Member
please get the alluminum foil out of there it will jsut contain the hear inside. go to Wallyworld or amazon and buy the emergency blankets. looks nice and good, are you thinking about adding more light and LST and Topping?



Well-Known Member
the one you are curious about looks like heatsress to me, i got two like that, but theya re still doing fine, the new growth is gradually getting the crinkiling out of it.


Well-Known Member
the one you are curious about looks like heatsress to me, i got two like that, but theya re still doing fine, the new growth is gradually getting the crinkiling out of it.
yeah, im with you on that one. could be overwatering as well, they looked a bit droopy compared to the others.


Well-Known Member
yeah, im with you on that one. could be overwatering as well, they looked a bit droopy compared to the others.
True True, It could be the overwatering,
Now that you said it, RAHM what is your water schedule, if not yet have one you should create one to help with future problems
Thanks for the comments guys!

Aluminium foil is really bad? I had no idea, thought I saw other grows using it. Does it leave burn marks on the plants? Should I take it all down or just inside my home-made reflectors?

I don't have a watering schedule yet, like I wrote at this point I'm just sprinkling water 3-4 times every second day just around the plant but in the beginning I watered every day and more around in the entire pot.

Yeah they look small to me too! I'm so scared of over-watering though, but do you think I should increase my watering? My pots are really big...


Well-Known Member
Ps the only time I'd ever use aluminum foil is for a seedling that needs the warmth but even that is only in extreme cases


Well-Known Member
rätthemligt;7158057 said:
Thanks for the comments guys!

Aluminium foil is really bad? I had no idea, thought I saw other grows using it. Does it leave burn marks on the plants? Should I take it all down or just inside my home-made reflectors?

I don't have a watering schedule yet, like I wrote at this point I'm just sprinkling water 3-4 times every second day just around the plant but in the beginning I watered every day and more around in the entire pot.

Yeah they look small to me too! I'm so scared of over-watering though, but do you think I should increase my watering? My pots are really big...
use flat white, mylar only reflect like 3% more light. and they do like a lot of water, i water with 3/4 a gallon in my 3 gal pots but it rains in FL every other day so im not forced to water them for a couple days at a time. keep them moist is natural, constantly sprinkling isnt nearly as efficient and your making work for yourself. plants can take plenty of water, dont worry.
I have given them plenty more water now for a couple of days, about 1.5-2 deciliters each a day. They show no signs of feeling bad but they are not growing at a much higher rate at all. I'm think they're getting too few lumens from my weak lights, so I thought I was gonna plant them in much smaller pots today and get all my 4 lights tightly together above them instead of they way it is right now, thoughts?

I'm also gonna get a HPS lamp for flowering, should I try to get it as fast as possible and use it right away?


Well-Known Member
rätthemligt;7164376 said:
I have given them plenty more water now for a couple of days, about 1.5-2 deciliters each a day. They show no signs of feeling bad but they are not growing at a much higher rate at all. I'm think they're getting too few lumens from my weak lights, so I thought I was gonna plant them in much smaller pots today and get all my 4 lights tightly together above them instead of they way it is right now, thoughts?

I'm also gonna get a HPS lamp for flowering, should I try to get it as fast as possible and use it right away?
repotting them to smaller pots isnt a good idea, get that hps and run it with your veg lights, mixing the spectrum will help them stretch and give them plenty of lumens, what wattage are you looking into?
I was thinking about getting a used 400w since it's not that expensive, I can't spend that much more money on this. A new one would cost me 158 dollars and I can get a used one for 115 dollars (I'm in sweden).

How much more heat does a 600w put out compared to a 400w? A new 600w would cost me 184 dollars and I don't think I could get a hold of a used one real fast.


Well-Known Member
A 600 watt is around 114degrees you can buy a 400 watt hps with cool tube reflector for 143.00$ on amazon but I realize you are in Sweden I would not go used with equipment and remember you get what you pay for don't cheap out if hps and heat is a problem I'd go with a PAR T5 setup but that's just my opinion
I'm gonna order a new 400W HPS tonight. While the light is on I will have the door open and my big kitchen fan blowing on the plants (the one in the picture at the bottom of the first post), should definitely be enough to keep the temp down right? Later on in bloom if the smell becomes a problem I will get ventilation tubes. Should work out?


Well-Known Member
rätthemligt;7166182 said:
I'm gonna order a new 400W HPS tonight. While the light is on I will have the door open and my big kitchen fan blowing on the plants (the one in the picture at the bottom of the first post), should definitely be enough to keep the temp down right? Later on in bloom if the smell becomes a problem I will get ventilation tubes. Should work out?
carbon filters are what your looking for bud, and try to get that 400w in there asap if they need more light