How's it going I'm curious what nutrients y'all recommend for soil outdoor growing?


Active Member
I used mr b's green trees last year it worked ok but feel I had better results using maxsea . Would you recommend maxsea,grow more 20-20-20 mendocino or grow more sea grow for vegetative growth ? Any advice will greatly be appreciated thank y'all
Mendo outdoors is amazing. Your girls will smell will reak for a good quarter mile.
With the right genetics even if they're seeded it will look like Hydro. Thick Frosty buds leaves even stone stems.
Don't go over 900 ppm's oh and that's the final push stay around 600 and work your way up the weeks of flower.
That's why no one posts about it.
And the price is so low all the other crazy fancy bottles and their marketing. Eh I want even go more into that
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Appreciate your reply and I've noticed not many talk about it on here . I found the feed chart from dude grows show I guess I'll run the mendo this year thanks again.
My pleasure g. Unless something new came out that I don't know about all of grow more products are outdoor.
That's a great chart btw. The pk part of npk though needs help to completely mix into the water.

Keep water on the stove add your desired recipe amount and mix into water, stir and then add to the rest of the not hot water. Don't boil the water just seen enough. I throw my mix into the blender to mix and you still have granular salt left if you don't use hot water.
Appreciate the advice bro good to know I have to use hot water to dissolve completely . You have any pics of harvested buds using the grow more ?