

I am new to Rollitup, but not new to buying seeds online or growing. I have many years of experience growing hybrids in a greenhouse. I would like to make you all aware of some very malicious seedbank ripoffs that I've come across lately. AMSTERDAMMARIJAUNASEEDS.COM is the biggest ripoff on the web. They get a kick out of ripping off Americans & British. If you have recieved seeds from these pukes you are very lucky , although I doubt they will be worth a shit. These assholes are all over the web, but they come at you from all kinds of different sites. They have MANY! Howevr, when you click the "buy" button to buy seeds you will be directed to AMSTERDAMMARIJAUNASEEDS.COM. Stay away, they are a plague on the web. Also, & Marijauna Seedbank Review are also bogus sites. They will tell you they are going to recommend reliable seedbanks & then send you right to AMSTERDAMMARIJAUNASEEDS.COM. Pass the word, these assholes are really something & when you don't get your seeds, if you can contact them at all, they will say the U.S. or Britain confiscated the seeds. Pass the WORD!!!!! Snakebit