Howdy RIU

Howdy brothers and sisters,
Im new to rollitup, im no newbie tho. I have a few years experience growing although I have never done a grow journal for 2 reasons. One, I live in a non-med state, and I have always been nervous about posting such info. And two, I dont own a quality camera. I desperately need to make a couple improvements to my grow rooms, co2 setup and electrical work, and once i get that out of the way I will be purchasing a good digital camera with a macro feature so I can upload pics to this site. My previous grows have included several different kinds of bagseed, Ive got some kind of kush lady, Ive got a beautiful superskunk mom, and right now I am running a bunch of TGA gear. I became a huge fan of Subcool and TGA about a year ago, i came across Sub's videos and articles online and ended up ordering a bunch of TGA for my first dank seed order. Ive already run my Chernobyls, but im running them again right now to narrow it down to the keeper. Also in my bud room are Agent Orange and Querkle. And then I have Apollo13bx, The Flav, and Pandora's Box just a couple weeks into veg. And ive got Dairy Queen and Cheesequake on the way. I know Sub and several TGA testers are on this site, Ive become such a huge fan of Sub's because of his accessibility and willingness to help and teach. Some of you may know me by vincentvega on or the Weed Nerd channel on MIRC. Until I get a camera, ill be lurking about, throwing in my 2cents when i think it mite help. If any newbies need help, just ask, ive made just about every newbie mistake there is. And you experienced cats out there, feel free to correct any misinformation i may give or give advice if you see fit. I look forward to meeting you peeps and discussing this wonderful, magical plant we know as cannabis. Peace.