How would you ventilate such a unit?


Well-Known Member
I came across one of these and was wondering how to go about ventilating it. Id be using CFLs in here for vegging, and I have a regular fan.

The thing is my flowering area is in the same room. Although there are cupboard doors that could close if need be but not sure how effective that would be against light.

I could build a set of doors for this unit though no problem. It's just the ventilation areas that are cut out would let light seep through.

Any suggestions or advice is appreciated! :)

Hairy Bob

Well-Known Member
You can easily make a light trap, if you bear in mind that air can travel round corners and light cannot. It can be as simple as a length of dryer hose with a bend in it, or you could build a box with baffles inside if you fancied, that's what I did for my air intake through the outside wall, then just used angled ducting for vents between flower/veg rooms.


Well-Known Member
Think about it, air travels around bends. Light does not. Put a vent tube with a couple bends in it, in the box. The air can come and go, the light cant Hook up a computer fan or two and a filter and your all set


Active Member
Use a buffer area around you ventilation.
As simply put as bob put it, light can't travel around corners. place your ventilation in an attached box, with the vent opening pointing away from wherever your light is coming from.