How would you value Cree CXB2540s by comparison to CXB3590s?


Well-Known Member
I've recently been in touch with a person selling an Optic 6 COB LED setup for ~$350. I originally thought it was an amazing deal, but after looking at the listing, I realized that the Optic 6 went from Cree CXB2540 COBs in generation 3 to Cree CXB3590 COBs in generation 4. Is it still a good enough deal to warrant interest? What is the relative difference in output between the CXB2540s and CXB3590s? By comparison to what the light cost to purchase it's a good deal, but from what I can tell, the actual COBs are not terribly expensive these days. CXB2540s look to be around $10-12 versus CXB3590s at around $38-42, maybe $30 off alibaba.

This table seems to suggest that they're similarly efficient but the 2540 has a little less than half the output of the 3590.