How will I know when it's ready?


They are clearly in flower mode but I have to reference of time so I have to play it by sight, does it matter when I harvest them or can I just do it when they look right? And how will my weed be if I just had it in the same pot of forest farms oceans forest and nothing else but water? I mean the plants look and smell good


Well-Known Member
You will know they are ready for harvest when all the yellow hair pistils turn to orange. You can also look at the trichomes with a magnifying glass and wait for the heads to be milky colored.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Strains usually do have a general time frame. You start your flowering day count on day 8 of 12/12 the first week is transition so if its a 8 week flower go at least 9 weeks from 12/12. You can use their times as a suggestion but learn the strain as you grow it. Watch the hairs and the trichomes. The plant will give you indicators of what part of done it is in relation to the high you want. Sativas take longer then indicas but so many crosses now it more about the flowers color and signs.