How to vent outside stealth dryer vent


Well-Known Member
I have a closet that I grow in. I need to exhaust my air outside. One of the closet wall is an outside wall. For stealth reasons I was thinking of trying to drill a hole though drywall, and the wooden siding behind that. Maybe put something on the other side to make it look like a dryer vent. Anyone done something like that? I imagine there is a standard height and size for a dryer vent. My exhaust is 4"
I rent my house, and my landlord is a slum lord, so I punched a 6" hole straight threw the 50+ year old hard wood floor in my 3x10 closest lol, and another 6" hole leading threw the roof of the closet
Please whatever you do please don't forget to add a back draft dampner. I decided to jump from a 4000watt grow to a 16000watt grow and was on a time crunch to get it finished. Threw the room together but ended up very nice all 2inch foam insulation board, mini split and forgot 1 mini detail on the exhaust out I forgot to add dampners and ended up with a seeded crop. Just 1 minor thing we over looked. Majorly effected the profit.
Exhaust threw the roof of your closet into your attic. Keep the 6" circle you cut out and use it to patch the hole when your done that's what I did. I also had a window AC unit mounted in the attic with a supply vent coming in as well to cool the whole inside of the closet.
If you ever need to go to a larger exhaust fan... This is what I came up with. 9 inch fan that runs on ball bearings - nice quiet fan. The box effectively difuses up to 5K light. There is a tiny amount of sound coming from the fan. When standing 15 feet away you can hear the fan a little, but can't tell where the sound is coming from. Living on an acre with no close neighbors helps too. Vent is under the deck of the house so it's not very noticeable. DSCN1293.JPG