How to use liquid AG nutes?


My Aerogarden came with liquid nutes not the solid ones that I have read about in these forums. It is 8 ml in each packet. How would you use these?


Active Member
Hey Clark, I'm gonna guess you have small young plants. I've only used H&G aqua flakes in my MMJ grow. But I have some tomatoes going in another AG I got off of Craig's list, stupid cheap....haha....sucker for a deal....anyway my first AG came with liquid nuets and I'm using them on the tomatoes with good results...Mix 1 gallon water, I use filtered tap water, at first only one packet, then check the pH level. MMJ likes 5.5 to 6.5, so do tomatoes...If they except the nutes and stay green use 2 packets per gallon after a week or so. Empty the reservoir first then add the proper amount..pH levels are the most important part very critical...

Good Luck



Well-Known Member
My Aerogarden came with liquid nutes not the solid ones that I have read about in these forums. It is 8 ml in each packet. How would you use these?
You might want to consider their nutes at half strength if you're only growing a couple of plants. They're formulated for seven herbs or veggies not two or three M/J plants.