how to use computer fans in my first grow room


Active Member
Hi everyone!

Same story really, im new and this is my first time. Ive got a friend who grows but his is on a much larger scale, i plan to use a more discreet big wardrobe for my first few attemps!

Ok so here goes, ive got a 600w HPS, im germinating my Snow White seeds at the minute (Thanks to snow whites first grow bible - lots of help!) and before they sprout i need to hook up some fans to keep the air circulation fresh. Ive read somewhere that computer fans can be used and being a bit of a nerd ive got a few already.

My problem is how i wire them up? ive also got a computer power supply to hook em up to but there is obviously no on or off switch!!

stoners of the world i need your help... please!!!!:joint:
You can use like an old phone charger or something and rig it instead and buy a switch from a hardware store to wire it up. If you use the computer power supply make sure its of the right voltage ive burned a few fans doing that. It wont hurt if the wires are rigged backwards when you first try it, just wire them up together to the right wire.
Mind you the switch will get hot, but you can pick up a power supply tester if you must have it switched to turn it off and on, use the search, there are other methods just try to find it.
I don't think computer fans are going to be enough to cool a wardrobe with that light.

You will most likely need a vortex fan or the like.