New Member
Hey guys, just finished my summer holidays, and it's back to school. Basically, i'm living with my parents, and i live in Athens (Greece). Now I'm sure some of you know that all drugs, and cultivation of cannabis have just been decriminalized due to lack capital in the prison system. Smoking weed, and growing it, are now treated as misconduct, and if weed is found on you, you have to prove its for personal use, if you do that, then you're allowed to keep toking.
I asked my parents if i could grow in my room before (When weed was illegal), and after many debates, squabbles, etc... the outcome was that i wasn't allowed, because it was illegal at the time. They also wanted proof that weed wasn't affecting my school work and academical side of life, so they said they would wait to see my exam results.
Now, 4 months later, I got my exam results, and i did very well (Straight a's and 2 b's), and every drug has been decriminalized. I want to ask my parents, but i don't know how to ask them, as well as this, i don't know how to give them enough reasons to let me grow...
Could you guys help me out a bit here? Please give me some suggestions
thanks guys 
I asked my parents if i could grow in my room before (When weed was illegal), and after many debates, squabbles, etc... the outcome was that i wasn't allowed, because it was illegal at the time. They also wanted proof that weed wasn't affecting my school work and academical side of life, so they said they would wait to see my exam results.
Now, 4 months later, I got my exam results, and i did very well (Straight a's and 2 b's), and every drug has been decriminalized. I want to ask my parents, but i don't know how to ask them, as well as this, i don't know how to give them enough reasons to let me grow...
Could you guys help me out a bit here? Please give me some suggestions