How to tell if my plant is done


you dont need a microscope. although that would be can use a jewelers can find these at MANY places radioshack,online,pawnshops,etc. I got mine at the flea market for $14 and its 30x.I can see the trichs really good.


Active Member
it your going to spend 14 bucks on a jewelers loop you might as well get a microscope...

12 bucks at radioshack...

If trying to do it without either of these its going to be a little difficult.

If I was you id wait until 1 week after the recommended flowering period, make sure the buds are thick(depending on strain), and make sure the hairs are red... Other then that you need a scope

Hugo Phurst

Well-Known Member
Trichs are the best way to tell, but there are other indications too.

When the vast majority of the hairs have turned red, and the calyxes have swolen, you're close.

good luck