
Ok so I’ve had many PH issues and I’ve narrowed my plants issues down from Pests issues, to Heat issues, to nuts issues, and figured out by process of elimination that my problems are due to PH problems thus creating a Lockout scenario.

So I know how to check my waters PH and I know how to make my water go up or down with the PH up or down solution, however, the problem im having is once i’ve taken my clean tap water and tested it. It usually test right around 8.1. So to get this to be around 6.8 I PH down 1.3.

But what if the Runoff tested from my soil is measured around 4.5 or 5.0?? How do i get them to come back up to be around 6.8? Does this mean that I have to add PH UP to my already 8.1 water?

So if my soil measures at 4.5 , then to bring this to a 6.8 does this mean i would have to add PH up to 2.3? but then add this to my water which is already 8.1 so i would PH up to 10.4??

Am i doing this correctly??

Please advise, im so confused, and i know this is why my plants arent utilizing all their nutrients and why im getting some growth stunting !!



Well-Known Member
test PH going in, forget what comes out. stop making things more complicated than they need to be. and if your in soil why are you ph'ing to 6.8???? 6.4/6.5 is ideal for soil, 5.8 for hydro.


Active Member
test PH going in, forget what comes out. stop making things more complicated than they need to be. and if your in soil why are you ph'ing to 6.8???? 6.4/6.5 is ideal for soil, 5.8 for hydro.
Ph to an exact number is a pain in the butt to dial in. Using a range is easier and some nutes absorb better at lower end and some on higher end.

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
I have WAY less problems when I ditched the ph pen. I NEVER ph anything and my plants are healthy and vigorous. JUST SAYIN!!!

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
My nutes seem to balance out the ph and are spot on. 6.2-6.4. I only seem to have to worry about my water ph being off
If it's perfect after adding nutes, then you have nothing to worry about. This is WHY i don't ph anymore,Because after I add nutes, my ph is at 6.8 or so. No need to do anything after that.


Active Member
If it's perfect after adding nutes, then you have nothing to worry about. This is WHY i don't ph anymore,Because after I add nutes, my ph is at 6.8 or so. No need to do anything after that.
That's fine when you're adding your nutes but when you're using tap water you should check ph. My feed schedule is feed water water. I don't only give it nutes.

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
That's fine when you're adding your nutes but when you're using tap water you should check ph. My feed schedule is feed water water. I don't only give it nutes.
yep, you are right, I feed,feed,feed,feed all at small amounts each time. No need for plain water for me. Maybe try a r/o unit.


Well-Known Member
Your shooting people down pretty good but ill voice my opinion anyways. You probably have a shitty ph meter. The only kind I will ever buy again is the blue lab meter. I have the tri-meter. I calibrate it maybe once every 6 months. The thing is on point, I trust it 100%. Prior to this I had a hannah meter and the thing was a pile of shit and always giving me inaccurate reads. If ph and ppm is important to you, fork up the money for a blue lab meter and you will never worry about this shit again. Your welcome