how to overdose ur plant.

dubie doo

Active Member
hi guys just though id put this tread up,i used to use the hesi products and they worked great
i ran out i went to the grow shop,they had none in stock so the owner gave me some free samples
of atami bio root grow and bloom so i thought id give them a try.
at the moment i have big bud x amnesia auto flower,done in 6 to 8 weeks
i only grow the 1 or 2 in a small cubbard in my room,
when the plant was 4 weeks old i noticed the leaves turning yellow at the bottom working its way up the plant
i was using the bio bloom at this stage as it was flowering,a week later the whole plant was destroyed in yellow
no matter how many times i had flushed it still got worse.

i think i gave it to much nutrients so i harvested what i could an started again
i have 2 plants growing 3 weeks apart form each other and all they get is a basic growth nutrient
the first one is fine but the second plant is only 3 weeks and the leaves are changing light green
in the middle of the leaf with dark edges,
ill put pics up of the first yellow plant for others to see what an overdose looks like
if any knows what could be wrong with the other plant would they please let me know thanks. :-|

DSC_0151.jpg239.jpg240.jpgDSC_0149.jpg the 2 middle pics is the plant i need help with,1 and 4 is the overdosed plant.


Well-Known Member
Definite over feeding. You need to feed less, and less often possibly. Do you cheak your ph? You might want to invest in a ppm and ph meter if you don't have one. They take all the guess work out of the situation. Good luck


sort of looks like overfeeding to me as well. micro deficency usually look more like spots on the leaves or yellow rusty spots on the leaves. stems turn very purple. the one pic does look like nutrient burn for sure as its a burn starting at the tips and going in, the other pics that look like yellow lines parallel with the leaves stems looks like the beging of a deficiency or maybe the begining of nutrient burn. but usually nutrient burn starts at the very tips of the leaves turning yellow and then slowly working its way into the leaf. defiency almost always start in the middle and work its way out, sort of looks like little waves of yellow. but honestly this is just my humble opinion, it hard to know exactly wahts wrong because of lack of information, i can diagnose plants much easier when looking at them in person, its a little harder on the net, also a strain name would be very important to know as well as breeder it came, the nutrients you were using and exaclty how much you were feeding (how much, how many times per week) as well as the guarenteed analysis of the NPK Nitrogen Phosporus etc as well as micro nutes. temp, relative humidity are few other things that may help determine whats going on, best ofluck bro