How to not hire an American


New Member
Posted by Boboak over on DailyKos, I thought others might want to take a look at this:
Our goal is clearly NOT TO FIND a qualified and interested U.S. worker.
It's on video, believe it or not, and even presented as a selling point to peddle their services by Cohen & Grigsby Law Firm. That's right, this group of attorneys put an entire seminar on how to screw over the American worker on YouTube. Imagine that, a seminar from lawyers on how to make sure one doesn't have to hire an American worker!

YouTube Video



Well-Known Member
I'm thinking about going to Home Depot and loading up the back end of the pick up with illegals and heading strait to the Immigration Office.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the info med. I've been looking for a job and have filled out lots of apps:peace:


New Member
thanks for the info med. I've been looking for a job and have filled out lots of apps:peace:
Do you think they were the false apps like in the video? I sure hope not. what a fucking sham, eh. How low will these capitalist pigs stoop to get cheap labor, selling out the American working class for a few sheckles. Kindas makes ya want to load up the AK and go pig hunting,~LOL.


Well-Known Member
no i don't think any where false but you never now. some days, but then i take my stress releever:mrgreen: and it keeps me sane. But i might have gotton luky and hopfully get this job at oak willi's head shop.