How to not feel like the universe is conspiring against you?

My inner anger has been slowly mounting recently. Little things go wrong and even when something goes right, it never feels like it did.

So an example. I go and do some DIY for my Nan last night. I put some shelves up for her and everything goes perfect, no fuckups or redos. As I am sat there shoes off having a brew, a metal 25lb toolbox falls off the thing, about 7 feet drop, on the pointy edge, right onto the top of my foot.

I woke up today with a completely black foot, two puncture wounds in it now healed with crusty blood. Ive got a Mastiff and two malinois to walk everyday...

So I go to my dealers last night and get half ounce of wedding cake, mates rates. He lives in Stockport, but he is a friend so I make the effort to see him anyway and have a few games of fifa. I made cannabutter with most of it last night and turned it into small cubes of cannabutter for my drinks. Had them resting on the kitchen worksurface, covered with a lif, the kitchen door shut and my dogs in their crate.

Come home from the doctors and mother in laws visit 25 minutes ago. My mals have opened their crate for the first time, opened the kitchen door, jumped onto the worksurface and eaten all my edibles along with my 247lb mastiff.

Now they are all running around wagging their tails and throwing up in our back garden. My mastiff has been digging for the passed 10 minutes straight and keeps howling. My oldest Mal dave keeps trying to jump of the garage roof and after being reassured by my Dad who is a retired vet, they will be fine, I am trying to wrangle them together.

I just sat in the garden and had my first cig in two years. Screamed fuck life over and over again and now I am attempting to clean up the absolute tip they made in thye house, with one broken foot and I have my wanker in laws coming round soon.

How do I accept this as random chance and bad luck, not god ripping a flies wings off because he can?
Learn to find appreciation through difficulties. We are here on Earth to discipline and learn and give something back imo. Another great tool is to always put things into perspective to see the larger picture.

The "monkey mind" will always try to "hide you from dangers" that do not exist. We are living in a modern society with tons of input but we operate with a primitive animal body and mind.
Give your dogs lots of water, only worry if they get lethargic, not eating, not active. They will be fine, just like you. Be patient with yourself, don't take on the worlds (or your in-laws) troubles. Take a bit of time for yourself and try and tap into those dogs of yours. You are their everything, and they do not judge or hold your mistakes against you. You can always talk to your wife too, don't hold it in and be a 'tough guy'. Hope you can pick yourself up and start the New Year fresh and happier. Positive Karma sent your way.
Honestly man, I had that anger and it is hard to live with. It will take time and learning to roll with the punches and not take stuff so personally and I will be the first to admit it DOESN'T work all the time. I just look at is as "Life sucks man, find something decent out of it" there's always going to be shitty stuff and negative people.

Keep an eye on the doggo's, mine ate an ounce once and I spent a week carrying that pit up and down the stairs so he wouldn't shit all over my apartment. We took him to the vet but same thing @Cannasaurus Rex said, just monitor and fluids. No harm no foul other than a goofy ass dog that kept trying to steal weed from then on. Animals are smarter than most people give em credit for ;).