...lol when you say it like that you make a good point bud, im just being defensive...anyone who rents a random house and blows it to the max is asking for trouble.....bad advice on my part...honestly if he had the cash in hand your plan is the best....obviously.....but if he had enough cash sitting around like that i doubt he'd be on here asking what to do next, shit if i had even 50g's layn around i know exactly what id do....
all im sayn is realistically, unless you have ALL the startup cash in hand, dont come here...plus add on another 10-20'gs min to get your operation going....so before you even see a nug youve invested 170k..its a constant uphill battle in an industry where we all live in the grey area and the rules can go with or against us in a heartbeat....and the change that fast...one minute theres dispensaries poping up everywhere and the city is cool and behind it, 2 months later the city shuts them all down...ive seen it happen time and time again..and if you wanna start from nothing like some of us do, its more than we bargained for and not the way to go....but hey good luck to ya, and if you think you really have the stones for what it takes come on out