hello im using advanced nutirents and on the chart it says to use 0.15ml, 0.173ml, 0.08ml of barricade.. what exactly do i use to get these measurements?? cant find anything tahts measures 0.173 or 0.08ml
a gradulated (spelt wrong) cylinder, the thing from highschool chem class will measure mlsfor the .08 id sugest only adding a drop or two i have no idea of what a .08 of 1 ml looks like
mix it in a larger quanity X10 using a junky type needle 1ml is about 2" in them skinny ones. Then take the sum needed by adding all componets using a skinny junky syrige. You could even mix x20 of each componet if you need more persion. Also thininking outside the box you could use 10x each componet and use 10xwater to dillute so you could have a 1/10 soultion and just use 10x the amout because of weakness. Think outside the box man