how to make plants grow quick as possible


Active Member
this is my first grow. i know that ideally i should alow the plants to grow comfortably and at their own pace. however i will be returning to college soon and ideally id like to have my plants bud asap. my question is this: is there anyway to speed up their growth as fast as posible in order to flower as soon as posible. also i am growing indoors so id like to keep their height relatively low. im not growing anything special and i am therefor trying to understand the whole process so when i grow good bud i will be able to do it right. additionally i am not worried about how much yeild i get a long as it is something. i truely apologize if this is a dumb question so any help would be great.

i am attaching two pics if it helps. in the first pic the one in the botom right first sprouted about a wek and a half ago and the rest sprouted soon after.



New Member
there going to take awile to grow.... seeds take time... and if your goin back to college at the end of this month( thats when i start) they probably wont be ready..... from this point it will "atleast take" few weeks-month minimum ? considering they still have to mature alittle then u have to sex them...then continue to flower.. to get any yeild at all ..... but umm... More lights = grow faster as soon as they get to a acceptable height go right into flowering removing the male's along the way... do not revert to veg this will take more time that u dont have....( i have no experience, should wait for more post's to confirm, just thought i put in my 2 cents) post a "Deadline" and people should be able to tell u if its possible to get those finished


Active Member
yea thats kinda what i figured. i'll just do the best i can with the time i have . worse comes to worse i'll grow at school for a small preriod of time if really needed however i'm tryign to avoid that. i apreciate the insight tho. i also have another question. is it bad to put the plants on a light cycle of like 20 hours light and 4 hours no light or more? if so in order to stimulate growth is there anyway to hlep the plants be able to take this large amount of light and not be too stresed?


New Member
actully some plants can take a constant 24 hr light cycle woll in veg state.. i guess it really depends on what strain it is... the most common used hours are 18/6 but if ur trying to get it done early i guess the worst u can do is kill them ? if u dont get them finished the same thing happens anyway... u might wannt try that or 24 hour light... just make sure to keep them watered.. with the extra light they might dry out alot... test by putting finger in soil(without hitting roots) Do Not OVeRWATER... again how much time do you have to do this ? *deadline* ?


Active Member
well move in day for me is the 3rd of september. so that would be the cutoff at home but i believe i could continue to grow for a short time at school. if its not possible to flower before the third would keeping it in veg till the third then flowering it for a few short weeks at school work?


Active Member
Hello there ,I also wanna find if there is a way to grow a little faster .I mean except the lights . I have read that you can use milk instead of water so plant gets stronger and the buds with softer taste .Is that true according to you and if you know any trick or something interesting post it here please .


Well-Known Member
how long till school starts? and are you planning on growing there?
If there was a way to do it faster it would just be called the way...the best way to make it grow at its' peak performance is to provide the proper elements at the right time. It's a learning by doing kinda thing, so don't give up if this doesn't work out for you. good luck.


Well-Known Member
put the lights on 12/12 right away. this will be the fastest way to get bud, in around 10 weeks, but, depending on your lights and male/female ratio, not much.


Well-Known Member
milk is a source of nitrogen....
one part milk to 3 parts water i used it on my plants a few times when they were in veg.....
they seemed to like it....


Well-Known Member
never done it w/ pure milk..
and no
google rganic homemade fertilizer
it timulates something in the soil to make nitrogen
theres all kind of stuff like that
coffee grinds
when you change the water in you fish tanks... Plants love that shit
i just went and got some molasses and kelp today gonna foliar feeed and dee what it does to my buds


Active Member
thanx for the insightfuysi appreciate it. worse comes to worse i'll grow a little at school. and if this does not turn out the way id like it too i'm not too worried because this is as much and experiment as a way to get some bud. i may try that milk idea but is that any better than a weak fertilizer soulution? also why is 12/12 the best light cycle for the plants? would running the plants under constant light be bad? or mostly light with a few hours dark as long as the timing was consistant so as not to stress out the plant during veg? then during flowering just reduce the amount of light it gets?