How to make a hermie


Hey all...I want to make a hermie to produce seeds.basically I need to know the easiest way to garentee I make a female a hermie. Any input would be great.

Please if your just going to post that I shud just buy seeds or just smoke the weed and not make seeds or post anything like ripping me up...don't I've seen and posted enough threads to know there's people that do this.

Thank you to those willing to give me a helping hand I am very gratefull


Well-Known Member
^giving it irregular lighting will usualy do it. give it light leaks like when the lights off, like turn it on for a few mins then back off for a few hours. do like 12-12 one day, then go to like 8-16, then 14-10 ect...


Well-Known Member
Drop the temperature as low as you can during the light off period, along with irregular lite cycles should do it. Are youj gonna self polunate this plant or polunate an unstressed female? I would save the pollen for a healthy female, this would decrease the chances of the seeds growing into a herm.