How To Make A Bubbler/Bong out of a Small Water Gun?


Active Member

I have a small water gun, similiar to the orange one in this pic.

I'd like to know if anybody, has good ideas in how to turn this into a small bubbler/bong, for easy transportation, and I do not like carrying my glass piece all over town.

Thanks for any help or suggestions!

I thought about putting a hole in the bottom of the handle for the stem, keep the back of the gun plugged up, and cut the tip of the barrel off for the mouth piece.

I think I got another one laying around here Somewhere, so I might experiment on that one, whilst waiting for you fine people's input.



New Member
This is just such a bad idea all the way around. Making a bong/pie from a kids toy? = BAD IDEA.. Carrying said bong/pie around = BAD IDEA.. Making a bong/pipe out of cheap ass thin plastic that holds water = BAD IDEA


Well-Known Member
what was the point of that post, he asked for help not for some one to tell him its a bad idea...

EDIT: what you said sounds fine to me, that the only thing you can really do


New Member
im just saying.. Hes wanting to carry it around town ( and to school?!?? )... A pack of roling papers/blunt etc only costs a buck or so. papers = no crime.. pipe/bong w/ residue = crime..Hell if he gets caught with it ,they can try to put a spin on it like hes trying to sell weed to and/or get little kids high ( seeing as how its a toy etc ) .. Iunno, im old school.. I try to avoid doing stupid shit if I can help it is all.

BTW - I believe anyone that smokes weed should be at least 18 yrs old.


Well-Known Member
Yea i kno what you mean but thats a lil too paranoid, the only thing they would do is laugh at you for smokin out of it, most time you will jus enough for a personal amount, so selling wont come into the conversation, but i dont think smoking weed is harmfull,