How to make 1 hit = 5 hits

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Well-Known Member
I decided to post a little homemade contraption I've been using for a few months. I dreamed it up while I was stoned one day, though I'm sure many other people use something similar. This is basically blowing your smoke into a bottle and sucking it back out of the bottle to make a little go a long way.

Shortcut- Remove the stem from your bong and use it instead. Plug up the stem hole or just keep a finger over it.

1. Find the right bottle for you: Bottle size is very important for this. I first started off using a 1 gallon jug that contained orange juice. After I rinsed it with warm water the orange juice odor was still soaked into the bottle. I chose not to use any soap because the OJ made each hit fucking delicious. After some experimenting with this I noticed I could only suck a portion of the smoke out. I now use a 1 liter Dr. Pepper bottle which is perfect. If you want to remove the label peel off what you can and use peanut butter to remove remaining paper or glue.

2. Cut/drill a hole in it: Make a hole anywhere in the bottom or side of the bottle, I made a quarter inch hole in the bottom of my 1 liter bottle. You can experiment with hole sizes until you find what works best. Make sure you are able to inhale most of the air in the bottle or you'll get fewer hits.

3. Modify the mouthpiece(optional): If you want a more comfortable mouthpiece screw the cap on and carve out the center of it. I used a knife and carved the entire center out so the cap and the lip of the bottle were flush. A razor works even better for a smooth edge, just don't snap it.

4: Use it: Take a nice green hit and blow it into the bottle then put your finger over the hole on the bottom or side and block the top hole with your mouth or hand. When you're ready for another hit release the bottom hole(oh my!) and suck that sweet smoke and carbon dioxide back into your lungs. If you are doing this with a nice fresh hit you can get 3-6 extra hits off it.

I'm open to suggestions if anyone wants to improve on this.


Well-Known Member
Wait so you just blow the hit into the bottle, then suck it back out?

If you have 6 cubic feet of smoke, what's the difference if you take one hit with 6 cubic feet or blow it into a bottle and take 3 hits with 2 cubic feet of smoke each?



Well-Known Member
Dude please, I'm high you gotta stop talkin like that lol...

Wait so you just blow the hit into the bottle, then suck it back out?

If you have 6 cubic feet of smoke, what's the difference if you take one hit with 6 cubic feet or blow it into a bottle and take 3 hits with 2 cubic feet of smoke each?



Active Member
ive done it with a balloon before, that way it slams it back into your lungs for a little added affect. punching balloons work the best i would imagine.:blsmoke:


Active Member
yea it didnt really seem to do much, that was back in the day when i couldnt afford to much weed and i had to conserve. now im making that dough and can smoke all i want:hump::hump::hump::bigjoint::bigjoint:


Active Member
off topic: when am i not a "stranger"? sure i have lot of puppies and candy in my van but you can talk to me im not that much of a stranger....


Active Member
Why don't you drop the joint in the bottle and inhale from that (with the hole drilled)? Or take a large bottle, drill a smaller hole in it, and put the joint in the smaller hole. This way bottle acts as a joint holder and a pipe.


Well-Known Member
Isn't like 65% of THC spent after the first hit? i'm being conservative, i remember reading that it was alot more, which is why blowing smoke into other peoples face won't get them contact high, but smoking a blunt around them will...

I say make a gravity bong: socket for a socket wrench (or brass insturment mouthpiece) into the lid of a one gallon jug, get a cooler or bucket, fill with water, submerge the jub, light the bowl and slowly lift, remove the lid, get ready, push the jug down, and try to hold it... you'll be stoned, and it uses alot less pot... higher intensity stone with shorter duration...

I really don't think breathing a hit into a bottle and hitting the same hit a couple times will work all that well, or is worth the effort... but ya know what? I'm late for class anyway... so its experimentin' time!


Well-Known Member
off topic: when am i not a "stranger"? sure i have lot of puppies and candy in my van but you can talk to me im not that much of a stranger....
ya gotta have like 25 posts or something... search... shit i forgot what i searched... but there is a post by a mod that explains the whole system...


Well-Known Member
I used to do this with a balloon. I noticed that it changed the quality of the high for the first half an hour or so after smoking though.

I think because you are inhaling so much extra CO2 (expelled breath mixed in with the leftover THC), you get major headrushes and feel more lightheaded while you are smoking, and for maybe 15-20 minutes afterwards.

I did this to make my pot last longer when I didn't have much money, but I did not really enjoy the headrush side effect however.

Also, I found from experience that other than the headrush thing from the CO2, taking more than one "extra" hit from the balloon didn't seem to get me any more "high" no matter how many balloon hits I took. I concluded that probably 95% of the THC was gone after only one balloon recycled hit - after that you are just sucking CO2. Sometimes you SEEM to be getting higher while you are doing this, but this is actually just the "creeper" effect of the weed combined with the effects of breathing too much CO2.


Well-Known Member
bucket bongs are good, like matcha says. havent done one for a long time! may just have to hop back on that train sometime soon... inhaling exhale from a plastic bottle sucks.



Well-Known Member
Thought i'd just post the results of my "experiment" (Read: me sitting ripped in my room feverishly inhaling cashed smoke out of a two liter, trying to get high)... I have to say it doesn't really work, aside from lack of oxygen and abundance of co2... Also, after blowing a fresh hit in the bottle, after the first re-inhale, the smoke tastes like the beatest of beat bowls... GRAVITY BONG ALL THE WAY.

Fenix: NP bro, I was in the same boat a couple days ago, wondering wtf I was a stranger, lol.

morp: gravity bongs are awesome... as i've gotten older i use em less, i guess thinking that i'm older, have money, and should be using a glass piece... but good god dayum if they don't get you ripped! Try em out again, they always suprise me after a lapse in using them.

Chillwill: Yeh thats closer to the number I read... I just couldn't find the article, and didn't want to egregiously overstate the number... but thats what i remember, that THC is just about gone after the 1st hit...


Well-Known Member
When I buy bags of ice at a convenient store, I just save the bags (after I use the ice) and when the time comes, I hold it to my mouth and blow in and out as long as I want. Believe me I've tried different bags, some are too thin, some are too thick, the ice bags are *just* right.